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(??? POV)

"Huh? W-where an I? how long have I been in this...Void?" I Though to myself as I look around my surroundings, only to see just white and nothing else, Just whatever this white Void is.

As time passes nothing changes, still in the middle of nowhere in this same old same old white void. I don't even know how I got here and now that I realize it I'm not even hungry or....Feel anything like nothing at all, so I try to remember anything on how I got here

Ah now I remember I was an orphan and didn't have parents and lived an average life, Nothing exciting has ever happened in my life I just had average looks, average Grades, never had a girlfriend, and didn't think too much about the future. The only thing that made me feel happy was anime more specifically Naruto which Is my favorite anime of all time. One day as I walking back to my apartment from getting groceries I saw a lighting bolt struck near a truck as it was driving which caused the truck to swerved towards a little girl in the middle of street, So I decided to save her by running towards her and pushing her out of the way, And saw that the truck coming closer and closer and...Blank, and that's how I think I ended up here

"Wait? does that mean I'm dead or something? Is this Heaven or...Hell? hopefully not hell, and if not then where Am I?" I said to myself

As I was contemplating on weather or not this is the after life and what was I doing here, suddenly a bright light engulfed my eyes causing me to close them. After a few seconds the light dimmed down, making me open my eyes to see what happed, but then once I opened them I suddenly see and old man with a white beard wearing robes and has wooden cane, who was the first to spoke

"Why hello there young man." the old man said with smile on his face.

"Ah! hello there sir" I said to the old man while bowing my head down to show respect.

"My my what polite young man you are, I can see that your a good kid." said the old man with a smile of his face while stroking his beard.

"Why thank you sir" I responded. 

"Now you're probably thinking who am I and where you are am I right?" Said the old man to which I nodded.

"Well I am God or R.O.B as people call me and to simply put it you're dead, and it's my fault I was missing around with lighting and accidentally caused that truck to nearly hit that little girl which ended up being you I'm sorry." said the old man with a sad expression on his face, seems that he really feels bad about being the cause of my death. 

"It's ok I mean it was accident so it's alright." I said to the old mean which made him raised a brow.

"You mean...your not mad at me? and you're really taking this really well?" the old man asked. 

"Well I kind of already figured that out before you came here, and it was an accident I mean everyone makes mistakes so it's ok." I responded to the old man which made him smile.

"*Bows a bit* Thank you young man for forgiving me that means a lot to me *Raises his head back up* now the reason you are here is to give you two choices. You can chose to either Go to heaven and live in a peaceful afterlife...or you can either choose to reincarnate in another world, It can be anything to realistic, fantasy, or even anime and do whatever you want!" said the old man telling me the choices I have which made me think a bit before giving my answer. 

"Well I have lived a normal average life so why not, I pick the second choice please" I asked the old man which made him smile even more.

"Good now that you made you're choice let's begin" said the old man as he snaps his fingers which caused a Spinning prize wheel to suddenly pop up.

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