Chapter 1 : First Day Of School for An Uchiha

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On a Monday morning as the sun rose over kuoh. At a certain Uchiha's Apartment lies Sasuke Uchiha sleeping soundly and peacefully. During a free week of training, Sasuke has mostly mastered all of his abilities right down to his ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, shurikenjutsu, genjutsu, mastering his sage mode, working on his Sharingan and eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He has been working on his Rinnegan abilities nearly gotten most of it down due to having a week of training. But's not just his abilities It's also his personality, which has changed nearly like the Original Sasuke's but still has the same old personality. Now Back to Sasuke sleeping so peacefully with not a care in the world...that is until.




(Sasuke's POV)

My alarm clock is beeping causing me to take a deep breath and wake up. Afterward then push the snooze button on the clock to turn it off and got up from my bed, and do some stretches, before going to the bathroom to fresh up a bit.

After taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and fixing my hair a bit I Go to do my morning warmup, which is 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats. After that, I take another quick shower and proceeded to change into my school uniform which feels just fine, and walk towards the kitchen and made myself some breakfast.

 After that, I take another quick shower and proceeded to change into my school uniform which feels just fine, and walk towards the kitchen and made myself some breakfast

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After breakfast I headed out of my apartment to go to school, My apartment is only 15 minutes away from the Kuoh Academy. As I was walking to school I was thinking about what do to next, the moment I enter the school rias and Sona are going to be aware of me, and so will the fallen angels, but I'm prepared I just need to watch out for anything. But other than that I wonder about how the school will be since kuoh academy was until a few years ago was an all-female academy, but now It's changed into a co-ed school and I remember that I have a very handsome face, which will cause girls to flock all over me and the boys will curse at me and that'll be a pain. After a few minutes of walking, I finally reach Kuoh Academy and stand in front of the gates to admire the school which to say is pretty big.

 After a few minutes of walking, I finally reach Kuoh Academy and stand in front of the gates to admire the school which to say is pretty big

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'Well Here Goes Nothing'.' I thought to myself as walk pass the school gate and once I did the Girls all noticed me and had blushes and lustful gazes on their faces and saying things like.

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