What happened when dream snuck in

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"You know Phil might be mad right?", Dream said as he finally hoisted himself over the windowsill. As soon as he was in the room he was pulled into a hug.

"He won't care", Techno said as he continued hugging Dream. Dream almost instantly melted into a hug, feeling himself tear up a bit as the nightmare soon came back into his mind. 

"It's okay, just let it out", that was all it took for Dream. He soon began to softly sob into Techno's shoulder, "Shhhhh, it's okay, he's not here, he'll never get you again, I promise"

After 5 minutes Dream had calmed down a bit, and Techno had given him some fresh, cold banana pudding (idk how you all eat it, but I eat it cold so, yeah), some water, and a bit of candy.

"Sorry 'bout soaking your shirt", Dream said through a mouthful of banana pudding 

"It's fine Dream, you know I have a million other sweaters just like it, plus your hoodie is more soaked than my shirt", Techno remarked as Dream soon felt the heavy wetness of the hoodie (Not like that, you weirdos), you know that feeling of wet clothes clinging to your skin, yeah that's what Dream was feeling, and he hated, not to mention it was starting to make him cold. Why had it decided to rain Dream complained internally. Techno seemed to notice the poor boy shivering, he got up, which confused Dream a little, until he opened his closet and pulled out 2 sweaters. "Here take this", Techno handed Dream a light pink/dark pink gradient and a crown in the middle of the sweater that was a reasonable size. "You can change in my bathroom, over there", he nodded towards a door in the far left of the room, "I'll change out here, oh and take this", he handed Dream a pair of sweatpants. Dream, without a second thought, took the clothing and made his way to the bathroom. Once he was in the bathroom he began to change

AFTER THEY CHANGED (Hah, you really thought I was gonna do a changing scene, you were WRONG.)

Once Dream was done changing he walked out to see Techno on the bed, scrolling through Twitter. Dream sat on the edge of the right side of the bed, causing it to sink a little. Which caused Techno to look up and see to him a heart shredding sight. Dream who was considered to be the most loveable and happiest person on the earth was sitting on the edge of his bed looking broken, vulnerable, and just dead inside. Techno was quick to get up and sit right by him they're bodies slightly touching (Don't even think about it.). Techno carefully wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a side hug. They had stayed like that until soft snores could be heard from Dream. 

Techno carefully picked him up, careful not to wake him up, and put him under the covers, he was about to go get a sleeping bag when a grip on his sleeve stopped him. "Please, stay", Dream said looking as though he was about to cry. Deciding to stay, Techno hastily got under the covers only to daily be hugged by Dream, as he pushed his head into Techno's chest. Techo wrapped his arms around Dream and the two soon fell asleep, feeling the comforting presence of each other. (THIS IS ALL PLATONIC YOU SIKCOS)



Hello everyone this is usually where I end it but today I have a really special request for you all

There's this organization that gives out free binders to people 24 or younger that can't get them, I'm manly here to ask that you please donate to help get someone that needs a binder get a binder

I, myself have wanted a binder however I cant get one because of my parents disapproval, and over all opinions on them

So I'm asking you all if you could please help someone who really needs one get one

link to programs main page: www.ftmessentials.com/pages/ftme-free-youth-binder-program 

And if program is a possibly a scam, please tell me and I'll get it off of this page


Sorry about my little rant

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, pls go eat or drink water, sleep if you need to, and overall take care of yourself


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