Bad news

565 13 1

A/n: Hello, I'm back :)

Quote of the day:

"Be yourself. People don't have to like you; you don't have to care"

TW: None

If there is any, then please tell me


Phil (Pov):

The drive home with Ranboo was...... awkward to say the least. It's not because I didn't like the kid, no, him and tommy are great friends and he's a good kid. It's just him figuring out what Puffy was gonna do to Dream probably scared the kid, making him think he was going to lose his brother forever. 

After we were halfway to my house, Ranboo was softly snoring away and I was nervous on end, wings twitching, hoping that Dream and my sons were okay. When we arrived Ranboo was half awake, tail flicking a bit. 

"Come on mate, were here", I calmly said as I got out. Ranboo softly nodded, slowly getting out, stumbling a bit, and started walking after me.

"I'm home", I said as I unlocked the door letting me and Ranboo in. After that I was fully prepared for Tommy barreling into me, but not Dream walking down the stairs after him. Once he was at the bottom of the stairs, he finally noticed Ranboo tail twitching as well as his ears.


Dream Pov:

"Come here", I sighed as I opened my arms allowing my brother to barrel into me, but I was not expecting Tommy to barrel into me as well, sending me and Ranboo to the floor.

"Missed one", Tommy said as he hugged the both of us, not letting us get up. I looked over to Phil, who looked like he was about to burst out laughing, and gave him the kitten (Puppy eyes) eyes

"Alright Tommy come on", Phil said walking over, and piking tommy up by the scruff, causing Tommy to go limp. Now that's shocking, I know cats could go Limp, but raccoons? him soon sat down on the couch followed by Ranboo sitting down next to him, sparking up a conversation. But when I looked to see where Phil was, he was gone, but I could faintly hear whispering. I followed the whispering to the hallway leading into the kitchen, being sneaky in order not to be caught, I saw Wilbur's tail swish back and forth violently his wings twitching. Techno's tail was doing the same as his scowl only grew deeper. Phil's wings were twitching violently. Something was up, something very bad, only something truly horrible could make them act like this. 

"-Him they let him out of prison"

"Are you sure"

"I am"

And that was when my world stopped

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