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A/n: Hello, I'm back :)

Quote of the day:  

Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities.

TW: Mention of past R@(# and Panick attacks

If there is any, then please tell me


Techno's pov:

After I said that we all heard a thud form the beginning of the hallway. We all immediately turned around to see Dream 

"DREAM", I yelled out a I ran over and picked him up. His breathing was rapid, his entire body was shaking, sobbing on end, and to top it all of he was gripping onto me for dear life.

"DREAM!", Ranboo and Tommy screamed out in fear as the made their way towards us. I immediately gave them a sign to back up and let me handle it

"Hey, Dream it's ok, he's not here, he won't hurt you, not while I'm here", I said softly as I stroked his hair, hugging him close to my chest. He slowly seemed to calm down, his breathing slowing down to normal, Sobbing now turned into snuffles.

"What happened to him?", Ranboo meekly asked, seemingly afraid of what would happen if he spoke too loudly, he would scare Dream into another panic attack.

I sighed and picked Dream up, flicking my ear towards the couch, sending the message of 'sit down and I'll explain', they got the message as they walked to the couch as I walked up the stairs, with a now passed out Dream. When we arrived on top of the stairs I walked towards of my room and opened the door. I set Dream onto my bed and dug into the closet until I found what I was looking for: Dreams secret stash. It was full of stuffed animals (Like blob), food, drinks, Pillows, and my missing- wait- MY MISSING CLOUTHING?! Whatever. I Give Dream everything in the stash including my softest blanket. After making sure all windows where locked just in case I walked down the stairs and sat down on the bottom step, facing the two teens that had no idea of what was happening

"Can you explain now?", Tommy asked by carful of how loud his voice was

"2 years ago, Dream had a bullie named Jared, now he would only make comment, but those comments where... really bad to say the least... now he wouldn't say anything when anyone else was around, only saying things when Dream was alone and defenseless", I sighed, "Those events eventually lead up to.....r#*(... Jared inly did it to dream once, thanks to Phil pressing charges instead of Puffy and Niki. Dream had told them, but they hadn't believed him. Jared was supposed to be in there for 5 years but was let out today because of 'Good behaveor'"

After I finished, I walked up the stairs, walked into my room, closing the door behind me, and walked over to Dream. Once I sat down on my bed Dream subconsciously warped his arms around my waste pulling me down (Platonic!). I laughed and wrapped my hands around the blond and slowly fell asleep (Platonic!).

Third Pov:

It was then the doorbell rang


I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, pls go eat or drink water, sleep if you need to, and overall take care of yourself


Dream harem chaos but make it a chatficWhere stories live. Discover now