The truth spills out

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A/n: I'm starting quotes of the day now! Todays quote:

"the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"

Now lets begin!


Dreams Pov:

Now to say Me and Techno were woken up very rudely would be an understatement. we were woken up by a specific angry simp that didn't know how to mind his business. I sat up groggily and sighed, 'Simp......', I thought as he got out of bed only to trip on My, still, wet hoodie. 'Ow......', I thought as I stood back up, only to see Techno trying to contain his laughter.

"Don't you dare laugh....", I snapped, which only made Techno burst out laughing

'Oh, he wants to laugh, well it's time to shut up now, I thought mischievously, I slowly crouched down and got ready for the perfect moment, and then it came.

"HA-Huh? Dream what are you-", He couldn't even finish his sentence before I had sprung up, tackling him.

After that, all heck broke loose

"Dream get off-!"

"No, not until you apologize-"

"For what?-"

"For laughing at me-"

"It was funny-"

"No, it wasn't-!"

Yeah, that lasted for about five minutes until Phil came up and separated us

"He started it", Techno said, trying to defend himself

"I don't care who started it, and in Dreams defense, you shouldn't have laughed at him", Phil snapped back

I had to hold back a smirk and a laugh to make it seem like I didn't want this argument to happen when in reality I do


And to say it was an awkward breakfast is severely an understatement

With Tommy chatting up a storm with me, me chatting back, Techno joining in from time to time, Phil being a tired dad, and Wilbur being an angry, jealous simp

Yeah, awkward

But hey at least it's Saturday!

I was a little later and me and Phil alone in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast, he insisted that I'm a guest and that he doesn't need help. He gave up

"Dream, have you checked your phone yet, I'm pretty sure Puffy would be worried?", Phil asked in a questionable tone while he was putting the dishes away

I mean, I don't blame him for worrying a bit, I've snuck out any times, and my parent's, Niki and Puffy, never seem to notice

Don't get me wrong their good parents, they love me and my siblings to death, but when it came down to it, his siblings, Foolish and Ranboo, will always come first

Foolish matches Puffy's energy

and Ranboo matches Niki's energy

Me, on the other hand, I match my uncle, Schlatt, and Phil's energy more

Soooooo....... yeah.........

"Nah, they probably haven't noticed, plus I left a note......", I said letting my voice fade a bit

Phil pulled me in for a hug, revealing that he had finished putting away the dishes

"I'm sorry, you know that I'm here and you can stay here whenever you need to, right?", he asked, honey, seeping into his voice allowing comfort and understanding (A/n: I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM, HE SEES PHIL AS A PARENTAL FIGURE AND PHIL'S JUST COMFORTING HIM!!! I WILL SAY IT AGAIN, I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM!!!! There, sorry about the outburst, I hate having to say that, but it had to be said, anyways back to the story)

I started tearing up a little bit after he said that, and soon I was crying in his arms, which I could tell shocked him, but he was quick to comfort me

"", I said through sobs, the pain...., it felt as though I was being cut open and bleeding out (A/n: let's see who gets the reference of where that quote comes from ;))


Phil's Pov:

'WHAT?! I KNEW HIS HOMELIFE WASN'T THE BEST, BUT I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS THIS BAD?!', I thought as I comforted the crying child in my arms, soon enough he passed out from estuation, 'Poor kid...', I thought

"BOYS CAN YOU COME HERE REAL QUICK?!", I yelled up to Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur

Soon enough I heard the familiar thundering of Tommy, "Yeah Phil, what 'ya n- ", he cut himself off as soon as he saw Dream in my arms

"I need you, to watch dream while I go have a little chat with someone", I said healing to bring Dream to the couch, where as soon as we put him down, he plopped down and curled right into

I opened the door, grabbed my keys on the way, and closed it behind me making sure it was locked

I then made my way to my car, ready to have a lovely chat with two certain 'parents'



Hi, I'm alive, who missed me?

No one ok

Anyway, let's just say school is a pain, but have this chapter, more should hopefully be coming, and I am working on the next chapter of the dream harem chaos, but that's going to be coming out later.


Because writing is hard.

I have a cut on my finger

Where did it come from you ask?

A can

A stupid freaking CAN

Ow, it hurts

Also does anyone have any height to spare, please I'm literally 4'10-4'11 and that's short. Please spare some height

But anyways

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, pls go eat or drink water, sleep if you need to, and overall take care of yourself


Dream harem chaos but make it a chatficWhere stories live. Discover now