Hatred in old faces

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A/n: Hello, I'm back :)

Quote of the day:

"You only fail when you stop trying"


Descriptions of violence and brief mentions of smoking 


As Phil answered the door, he was met with a familiar face he never wanted to see ever again.

"Ah hello again Minecraft.", he spat, "Bet ya didn't expect to see me again?"

"Go Jared, I won't hessite to call Techno down, and we both know what happened last time", Phil spat back, adding more poison in his voice.

"Please, I just came here to pick up D-"

"No way, I'm never letting you near him"

"Aww, why not??"

"You know exactly why, B****h."

That was when Jared had had enough and tried to force his way in, but a flash of gold stopped him right in his path. Jared let out a painful scream and shook his arm trying to throw off Tommy who had a death bite on Jared's arm. When he finally managed to shake the boy off, Tommy was flung into the wall, the golden raccoon tried to get up once more but fell. 

Ranboo ran over to Tommy, as Wilbur, who had just come in for smoking a cigarette, jumped over the couch and flung himself at Jared screaming "That's my F*****G BROTHER", and Techno who had just came out of nowhere screamed the exact same thing, and also jumped at Jared. Phil was standing in shock and slowly turned towards Jared with a sadistic smile. "BOYS, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO", he said in a dark voice. Once the two knew that they were allowed to do. They soon exited to the woods behind they're house with a knocked-out Jared in tow

Phil then turned to Tommy and ran over to see if the boy had any in major bleeding. After checking the boy for any injury's, he came to the conclusion that he was knocked out pretty hard. "Ranboo, take Tommy upstairs to Dream...... I'm going to help the boys...... do something", the older man said before ruffling the boy's hair and walking outside to find the boys, a sadistic smile hung on his face

Ranboo's pov:

As Phil walked out, I was struggling to pick the Tommy up. I shuddered at the thought of what Phil and the twins would do to Jared, but he deserves so karma. Once I managed to get a good grip on golden boy up, I slug him over my shoulders like a sack of shoulders and slowly made my way up the stairs. Once I made it up the stairs, I called out dreams name softly, 'no way anyone could sleep though what just happened...', I thought as Techno's room door opened up to reveal Dream, who looked like an utter mess.

His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were tear stained, his hair was all frizzed up, and his sweater, that looked a lot like Techno's, had tear and snot stains on it. Once he saw Tommy over my sholders, he ran twards us and beguin to ask me questions.

"Is he okay?!"

"Yeah, just knocked out"

"Is HE gone...?"

"Yeah, Phil, Techno, and Wilbur dragged him out to the backyard woods"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... just shaken up"

Once I said that Dream basically dragged me into Techno's room and helped me lay Tommy down on Techno's bed. He then sat down on the bed and basically dragged me down to sit next to him. "Are you sure your okay...?"., he finally asked after a long moment, I was about to answer but I hesitated, I really didn't know what to feel. "To be honest... I really don't know...", I answered finally. Dream looked at me with sympathy, before pulling me into a hug. I was shocked for a moment but was quick to hug back just as tight. 

And we stayed like that till I passed out from exhaustion.


Hi, I'm back! 

Sorry, this took so long to come out.

I've been really busy recently, so chapters are going to take longer to come out, but please bear with me :)

Anyways have a lovely Morning/Night!

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