brain over heart

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Lisa was always quick to think with her head rather than her heart. She almost always preferred concrete evidence with a supported argument and thesis over anything her heart had to say, but when it came to Jennie, her brain would short circuit. Her heart would pound in her chest while her brain cells would come together to try and force logic into her head but it never mattered. Her heart always won when it came to her Nini.

They'd met when Jennie asked her to join her table in fifth grade during integration day of all grade levels. Sure, the table had only been occupied with Jisoo and Irene who held two D.I.Y. bracelet kits were giggling as they showed each other their homemade bracelets, but Jennie held out her hand for Lisa to take. Lisa had looked back to her single desk, having asked the teacher to be on her own instead of at a table of four, before looking back to Jennie with a hesitant frown.

She thought of what her mom said about pushing herself out of her comfort zone. She took Jennie's hand and watched as a bright smile pinned the brunette's lips before she was gently, yet frantically, pulled toward the trio's table.

Lisa had gone home with an ecstatic grin, happily telling her mother about her new friends.

Now they were twenty, all with different professions but living together, since college, and nothing had changed about Lisa. If Jennie needed something, Lisa was at her side in less than ten minutes.

Lisa knew that with falling in love came inevitable heartbreak and she knew that when she laid awake at night in the bedroom she shared with Jennie, thinking about the day she'd finally force up a confession, it wasn't good. She's known of her feelings since they were in middle school, finally being able to differentiate what was romantic and what wasn't.

When they moved to New Zealand, from Korea, Jennie met Kai. They dated and Lisa forced herself to be happy for Jennie because truly, she was happy for them. For every kiss and every date the two shared, Lisa remembered that love ended in heartbreak. She knew that by the time Jennie and Kai were twenty two they'd be married and living happily together so she kept her feelings locked away in a box inside her chest. Even now that Kai moved to the US and the two broke up, she's kept that box locked tight.

Lisa sighed and tossed the covers off her legs, scooting to the edge of the bed before pushing herself up. She stalked into the living room with her notebooks and sat quietly on the couch while everyone else slept. It was one in the morning, she knew that, but that didn't sway her thoughts from racing so she decided to finish her work that's to be due at the end of the week, hoping that would calm her nerves even in the slightest.

Spoiler alert: it didn't.

Lisa's imagination swerved onto a different track as soon as she was typing. She thought of how soft Jennie's hair would feel between her fingers, how soft her lips would feel, how good it'd feel to have Jennie's arms around her, how it'd feel to have their hands interlocked or- she jolted when she felt a hand squeeze her shoulder.

"Lisa." Lisa looked up from her laptop quickly, relaxing when she realized it was just Jennie. A very tired Jennie. "Hey, what are you doing up? It's two thirty in the morning." She furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at the clock, blinking surprisedly when she noticed it was in fact two thirty in the morning.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd study.." Lisa shrugged and closed the laptop, knowing very well she wouldn't get anything done with her thoughts of Jennie racing through her mind.

"Only you would work at two am." Jennie snorted, rubbing eyes before dragging her hand through her hair and holy shit Lisa wished she could kiss her right then and there. Her lips were pressed together in a tired smile and her eyes were hazed over with obvious exhaustion- it only made Lisa want to kiss her more.

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