My go-to

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Lisa Manoban adores Jennie Kim.

The entire university knows this and accepts it to the point of worrying about Lisa if they don't immediately spot her in the bleachers during her volleyball matches or if she isn't sitting at the front while Jennie is either excelling at singing, dancing or both. It isn't a rare sight to see Jennie try some entirely new hobbies as well, such as drawing, playing guitar or even archery, with Lisa close-by to capture yet another skill with her shiny new camera. Lisa is Jennie's number one fan, even the girls and occasional guys who frequently crush on Jennie admit this to be true.

Lisa has a good enough reason too, she's the school paper's photographer and thus required to keep up with the events on campus. That is actually how they at first met; Jennie was the "little princess" as people called her when she first started at the university and quickly proved she was good at almost everything. Lisa kept running into her during her assignments because Jennie not only was good at everything, she also wanted to try and experience as many activities as possible.

The two quickly became friends despite Jennie's initial shyness, mainly due to Lisa's fangirling which was rather difficult to resist.

Now, a year later, things haven't changed much. Lisa still thinks Jennie is the coolest kid on the planet, and Jennie does her best not to look TOO smug when Lisa praises her to high heavens (read: she tries not to). But it's hard not to seem conceited when someone keeps telling you are the best at most anything you do.

Right now, Lisa is freezing her ass off in the school parking lot, waiting for her friends Rosie and Seulgi. They are supposed to watch this football match together and then Seulgi will interview Jennie for the university's paper. They have run Jennie's interviews five times in the last year, but no one is complaining. In fact, whenever Jennie's face is on the cover, the sales of their paper go up.

Which is probably why their editor-in-chief keeps insisting that they do a feature on Jennie every so often, especially since Jennie is a) involved in so many things and b) good at everything she does. It's a win-win: they cover her story whenever she wins something or simply does something cool, and in turn, Jennie's many admirers keep the paper from going bankrupt.

In all honesty, Lisa thinks that they should just change the title of their paper into 'Jennie Kim Fan Club Newsletter'. It's not that she minds taking pictures of Jennie or occasionally writing the articles about her if they are short-staffed since Jennie is so easy to work with and fun to be around.

It's just that constantly being pushed to interact with her isn't exactly helping Lisa get over the major crush she has on her.

The major crush she knows isn't mutual.


Lisa turns upon hearing her name called. "Hey, Rosie," she greets the slender girl in a purple parka so large she is drowning in it.

She narrows her eyes. "Did you steal Mino's parka again?"

Rosie plays innocent. "I can't fathom what thou might mean by such accusations," she says, confirming Lisa's suspicions.

Whenever Rosie lies (and she lies a lot), she uses as fancy grammar as she possibly can. That is why Lisa who loses in most every game known to man due to unbelievably terrible luck can still beat Rosie in poker because she knows her tell.

Lisa resists the urge to roll her eyes. "Sure, Rose. Let's go get our seats."

"What about Seulgi?" Rosie asks as they start to make their way to the bleachers. It's the first game of the season, so the turnout is rather nice. University volleyball games are usually well-attended in general, even though Lisa isn't entirely sure why people come to watch the players hit the ball for 90 minutes or longer. She herself gets paid to attend and take pictures. If not for the monetary compensation, she doubts she'd sit here freezing on her free Sunday afternoons.

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