falling for you, again (3)

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Jennie woke up to the sound of the alarm, groaning as she tried to lift a hand to silence it and then realising there was a heavy weight on her arm. Disorientated and half asleep, after a few lazy attempts to dislodge whatever it was on her arm, she managed to roll her body and shut the alarm with her other hand. Half her body was now resting over this lump under the blankets, the very thing that was pinning her arm to the bed.

Opening her sleepy eyes, she yawned and rolled onto her back, sunlight beaming through the gaps in the blinds slowly waking her up. A few seconds later she tilted her head and was stunned by ruffled, hair against her shoulder.

Why was Lisa here?

Jennie panicked for exactly 2.5 seconds before the events of last night came rushing back – Lisa crying. Once she had calmed down, Jennie felt helpless and lost as Lisa wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself. She couldn't leave her on the couch alone, not when she seemed so vulnerable.

She just couldn't.

Jennie offered Lisa the bed and, she had been rather nervous and awkward sliding under the covers next to her, but something about the way she fitted so perfectly against her body was oddly satisfying.

Even weirder, Jennie was not a cuddle-person in bed. She was a blanket hog and liked to spread out and take up as much space as physically possible, whilst Lisa was honestly a human koala – still, for some reason she didn't really mind.

And also, Lisa smelt nice.

Jennie blushed hard at that thought. That is such an awkward feature to notice.

But really, Lisa smelt like vanilla and lavender and all things warm and soothing. Jennie had been lulled to sleep, and the smell brought back a wave of nostalgia and memories of giggles and hushed whispers and promises of forever.

Maybe ten minutes later, the younger stirred. Jennie realised Lisa was the type of person who woke up really, really slowly. She rubbed her eyes, made a soft moan in the back of her throat as she pressed her face into Jennie's neck and –

Oh fuck.

Lisa kissed her.

Jennie tensed and her eyes went wide as Lisa sleepily clung closer to her. Her knee brushed across Jennie and the other realised with mortification that her underwear was slightly damp. And Lisa rubbing against her and making quite adorable sounds was certainly not helping.

What do I do?

"Morning." Lisa mumbled, voice cracked and raspy. She raised her head lethargically, eyes still shut, and pressed another soft kiss against Jennie's cheek.

This time, Jennie's body relaxed against Lisa's lips and she tilted her chin, gaze falling on those gorgeous, plump lips (she felt turned on a little and the very, very dirty side of her – Jennie was a horny teenager after all - wondered what it would look like to have the girl beneath her). Lisa's mouth moved down her jaw and kissed her again, close to Jennie's own lips which had parted.

This is actually not such a bad way to wake up...

"Oh, my god," Lisa snapped back and Jennie felt disappointment flood her body as the lower part of her body throbbed. Lisa was now wide awake and looking downright terrified. "I'm so – I didn't realise – I thought –"

"Thought I was your Jennie," Jennie said in a tone that came out surprisingly bitter. She was frankly starting to get a bit annoyed with the whole 'my Jennie' ordeal.

Lisa meekly looked down. "Y-yeah. Sorry."

Jennie sat up and sighed, pushing her thighs together and keeping the blanket over the lower half of her body. "It's okay."

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