she's not my soulmate

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"It can't be him. It can't!"

Jennie Kim was standing in the centre of the room, shaking with rage and disbelief. Her muscles were tense, her fists were clenched.

For the first time in her life, she felt absolutely helpless.

"Jen, you're being unreasonable." Lisa approached her, doing her best to calm her down, trying to talk some sense into her. She had been doing that for the last ten minutes, but apparently, she was failing miserably.

"It's not about reason, Lili!" she cried out, finally raising her sight at her. "It just doesn't feel right! And it must feel right!"

"You know that's not true -"

"He's supposed to be my soulmate, for fuck's sake, of course it must!"

Lisa gritted her teeth as she listened to her hopeless calls, and wondered for the millionth time that day what on earth should she do in her position. How could she tell Jennie to calm down, while her own blood was boiling as if it was 200 degrees hot? Still, she knew she couldn't agree with her, not in this case.

Not in this life.

"Nini, please," she tried again, taking her trembling hands into her own. Jennie was surprised, no doubt, but she didn't protest. "It doesn't always feel right at first, but there are no mistakes. As long as you can recognize your soulmate, you can be sure it will work out in the end. Even if it's hard at first, it always works out in the end. Think of your parents."

"My parents hated each other," she admitted with a weak smile, but then shook her head.

"That's my point. They did once, and now they are one of the greatest couples I've ever seen in my life."

"But this isn't because they're soulmates!" she shouted again, almost snatching her hands away, only Lisa's grip on them was too tight to allow it. "It was because they worked hard on it, bringing forgiveness and goodwill to their relationship, and because they learned to care about one another."

"Exactly. And you'll learn to do the same."

Jennie looked her in the eyes, meeting her steady, certain gaze; she was still squeezing her fingers in that gentle manner she adored so much, trying to reassure her as well as she could.

Good Lord, how lucky her soulmate would be.

Lisa didn't look away, knowing it would do no good; instead, she smiled fondly at her, hoping it would make her feel at least a little bit better. Jennie was a mess, there was no point denying that – and that was why she had to stay calm and unmoved. She had to be her voice of reason.

Losa saw her eyes glittering with tears, which she was fighting back with all her might; she wasn't crying yet, but who were they kidding – she would eventually. And she had to make sure to be there for her when she does.

She didn't have to wait long. After a few additional seconds of biting her twitching lip, Jennie broke into the most painful sob she had ever heard, throwing herself against her chest before she had a chance to react; she freed their hands and embraced her, praying that this outburst of emotions would do her best friend some good, that it would be the catharsis she needed so desperately.

She felt her heartbeat against her own – fast, strong, to the extent it was almost improbable; then again, hers was just as crazy as that. Her tears were wetting the collar of her shirt, but it made no difference. All that mattered was that Jennie craved comfort, and she was expected to give it to her.

She moved, and she felt her hot breath against her neck.

Lisa's heart was positively breaking. But it made no difference, either.

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