What We Both Want

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Rosie reaches across the table and grabs Lisa's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Are you really going to do this?" Her voice is in shock, disbelief dripping off her words. Rosie's always been an open book, and right now she looked pale with dread, and there was no denying how clearly she thought this was a bad idea.

"Yes," Lisa whispers and her hands are clammy around the thin stack of papers – papers that are about to change her life, throw it completely off its axis.

"But Lisa..." Rosie trails off and looks to Jisoo for help. Jisoo offers little – she's in shock too. She's staring at her coffee mug with blank eyes and it scares Lisa how dead they look.

Lisa knew this would shake her friends, but to this extent? She wonders if this is how she should be reacting, but she's not. She feels tired over the whole ordeal, honestly. "Guys, really, this... this doesn't change anything."

Jisoo reacts to that. She looks up at Lisa with an angry, almost aggressive stare, looking downright insulted. They have been friends since middle school and Jisoo has never, ever looked at her like that. It makes Lisa's blood run cold, freezing her veins, prickling her skin. She's seething. "How can you say that?"

"Ji –"

"This changes everything," The older hisses and Rosie flinches back at the sheer bitterness of her tone.

Lisa feels a surge of irritation. "I'm telling you this is what I want. Jennie and I barely see each other, and when we do we just argue. I'm over this. Shouldn't you at least try to be supportive? Please? I don't want to fight with you too." She feels tears prick the back of her eyelids and the stress over the last few weeks rest heavily on her shoulders. She's exhausted, she really is.

Jisoo breaths out harshly, fingers curling into a fist. She grits her teeth and glances away. Lisa wants to shy away from the tension that consumed them. Jisoo is not this sort of person, but right now it looked like it was taking everything she had in her to stay calm. "I can't believe you're just giving up."

Now that hurts.

Her words are sharp and they cut deep. Lisa feels it all the way to her heart, splintering across her body, crippling her with pain. "That's not fair." Her voice catches and Rosie squeezes her hand again in small comfort. "Jennie wants this too."

"Je – Jennie? Wha – you're so fucking – fuck," Jisoo cusses and pushes her chair away from the table they shared in the corner of the café, like she couldn't stomach being near Lisa any longer. Jisoo sounds positively murderous, thank goodness no one was sitting close to them. "Do you even hear yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Lisa is getting exasperated. She's guilty about this already, and Jisoo was making it worse. Since they became a couple, the oldest had always been their biggest supporter. She introduced them to each other, cheered them on when things got difficult, and helped them make up when they fought. They wouldn't have made it this far without Jisoo, but it was over now – it couldn't go on like this anymore.

"Jennie would take a fucking bullet for you. She's do anything if you asked," Jisoo snaps heatedly, running a hand through her hair.

Lisa swallows and a lump in her throat forms because she knows it's true, or at least, was true. They would have done anything for each other. But it's not the same – they're not the same. "She said she wants this too," Lisa says again, it's all she can think of at that moment. Her heart tightens inside her chest and the part of her that is still in love with Jennie resents those words.

Jisoo shakes her head in what seems like utter pity. She scoffs angrily before standing up. "Then fine, get the divorce. If she said so. It's your choice, at the end of the day."

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