we can't be friends

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"We should date." 

Bambam can physically see the moment his statement is taken the wrong way. Lisa's shoulders tense and she swivels around in her spiny chair so she can see the wide-eyed panicked look he accidently put on her face. 

"Bam, I- Have you not been listening to me rant the last twenty minutes about how I'm literally in love with Jennie?" 

Bambam rolled his eyes and shifted so he was sitting up. It was clear he was going to have to explain himself because Lisa's face was getting redder and the more time she spent being confused, the less likely she was to go along with her brilliant plan. 

"No Manoban, I know you're completely gone on her, just the same as you know I'm not into you." He said pointedly. Lisa blinked once before making an 'oh-right' face. 

Bambam decides not to be offended about it since he only came out to her two weeks ago but really- does any part of him not scream gay? 

"Okay," Lisa says slowly, stretching the word out in that way she did when she was still thinking about what she wanted to say next. "So, you want to 'date' me-" 

"Pretend date." Bambam cuts in. The distinction is important. "Pretend." 

"Right, right." Lisa nods. "Pretend date. You want to pretend date me, why?" 

Bambam sighs because he didn't really want to go into it, but he guesses he owes it to Lisa. Plus, they're like close friends now. Sehun has been telling him that close friends are supposedly able to be trusted with things. Hence his coming out to Lisa two weeks ago.

"Well, you've met my mom." Bambam shrugged and to his amusement Lisa nods furiously. "I'm sure that's all I really need to say." 

"Yep, say no more." 

"And," Bambam adds, because of course Lisa's selfless ass would agree before hearing how this would benefit her- "It could help you with Jennie." 

Just as he predicted, she perked up. "Really? How?" 

"A little jealousy never hurt to get someone interested." 

Lisa's expression turned thoughtful for a second. "But what about all the-" She makes a face, "-relationship stuff?" 

"Well, I don't want to kiss you and you don't want to kiss me and if anyone wants us to, I'll shoot them with an arrow." 

Lisa thought about it for a second more before nodding. 

"Okay, I'm down." 


Bambam was underwhelming. 

Which was pretty lucky for her, if she had to admit. If she had to fake date- say, Jisoo- her life would be so much more complicated and painful. All Bambam really needed to sell the lie to his parents were a couple Instagram posts, a family dinner and new contact name. 

"You should change it to hello handsome." Bambam snorted.  

Lisa shoved her a little. "Only if you change mine to Lisa the Lovely."  

She walked him to his classes, went to his games and hugged him whenever she saw him. In return, he held her hand at lunch, walked Love with her and scheduled homework 'dates' more often. 

All in all, nothing in their friendship changed much, they just got a bit cuddlier and didn't deny the fact that they were dating when people asked. 

Lisa was worried that no one except for Bambam's parents would notice until Mina found her in the hallway and threw an arm over her shoulder.

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