My dork - Chapter one

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< A/n - The YouTube video is the intro theme for race to the edge! >

Key items -
(Y/n) Your name
(Y/a) Your age
(F/f) Favorite flower, Favorite food
(F/c) Favorite color
(F/n) Favorite necklace
(S/f/c) Second Favorite color
(H/c) Hair color
(E/c) Eye color
(H/l) Hair length
(D/n) Dragon name ( You'll name your second dragon this)
(R/n/n) The nickname you give Ruffnut
(Y/h) Your height
"..." Speaking to yourself or someone else
"..." Dragonese (How you can talk to dragons)
'...' Thoughts

<Tell me if I missed anything! On with the story!>

(Y/n)'s POV

"C'mon Skull, almost there!" I urged my triple strike "I'm aware we're almost there, I'm not stupid (N/n)." Skull retorted before clicking her tail together to turn them into one tail. "Scull, now!" I yelled as I swiftly stood on my dragon's back and prepared my flight-suit. My dragon dived down as I jumped off of her back and opened the wings to my flight suit, so I'd be able to fly along side her. "(Y/n)?! Look out!" My dragon roared as she knocked me out of the way, and got caught up in a net trap. "Scull! Damn you, and fuck your loyalty too!" I roared as I dove after my dragon that was plummeting downwards. I grabbed onto the netting of the trap that had caught my dragon, and held on tight. "Get out of here (N/n) it's not safe!" "No way Scull, I'm not leaving you here!" That was the last thing I had said to my dragon, and the last time I seen her, before we both crash-landed on the island. The last thing I saw before passing out was a group of teenage vikings that were all (y/a) or close to my age group at the very least.

I woke up in an odd place. I saw a brown-haired young male viking. "Hello, newcomer! Welcome to berk! My name is Hiccup horrendous haddock the third. What's yours?" "Who the hell are you and where the fuck is my dragon?!" I yelled angrily
"I'm sorry, I can't seem to understand you." I forgot that these vikings weren't raised by dragons. It's been so long since I spoke my first language. "I can't believe you tamed a dragon, I never thought that was possible! How did you do that?" "Fishlegs, stop that. Let's not overwhelm them." Hiccup scolded his friend. "I want my damn dragon." "So the stranger can speak?" "Astrid, not you too." Hiccup sighed. "I'm not doing anything for you all until I know my dragon is safe." I responded. "Alright then, bring in the dragon!" Hiccup stated, two identical twin vikings opened a door inside of the place where I was being kept. My dragon, my poor dragon. She came out of the place where she was held, covered in scars, multiple scratches all in different places, and was muzzled. "What did you fuckers do to her?! My poor baby, are you alright Scull? Who did this to you love...?" I asked my dragon worry rooted deep in my voice. "The other vikings, before these teens convinced them to stop, they tried to harm me. For fighting back." "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to rescue the dragons they were hurting and trapping." I apologized, I was deeply sorry for what my actions had caused to my dragon. "It's fine, though we need to get out of here as soon as possible." "Alright,  I'll try." I promised my dragon, though I don't think I might be capable of keeping it. "Let's get this stupid muzzle off of you Scull." I stated as I gently found the clasp that kept the muzzle on, and undone it. "No attacking the vikings Scull." I warned my dragon, it was loud enough for everyone else to hear. My dragon nodded, as soon as I took it off she fired warning shots at there feet. They all stared at both me and my dragon in shock, pure absolute shock. "She's protective." I said simply with a small smile.

Weeks. I've spent weeks, maybe even months here, captured here no way to get out without being caught all over again. "We are allowing you to be outside for a few times a day, as of now, don't take advantage of this." "Yes sir, chief stoick." I replied. "Come on, Scull! Let's get going!" I ran to my dragon as they crouched down slightly so I'd be able to get on with ease. My dragon ran out the gate with me on her back. "Yeah! Woohoo!" Me and my dragon both roared with excitement. "This is awesome! It's been so long!" My dragon roared happily. "Lets show them what we can do, girl." The vikings of berk panicked as me and my dragon darted upward, we both started spinning in the air as my dragon fired two shots. "Ready (N/n)?" "Always will be." I let go of my dragon, and started to free-fall back down to the ground. The wings of my flight-suit opened, before I fell completely down to the ground. I bolted back upwards, after attempting to show off, successfully. Soon I was flying right beside my dragon heading downwards, back towards the ground, in the village. "Let's land in front of the great hall, we may have time to escape from here if we do." "No we need to gain something from being trapped here." I replied before climbing back onto my dragon mid-flight before landing in front of the great hall. Vikings immediately started to crowd around us. "How was that?" I asked the crowd. They simultaneously started cheering, that is before the chief appeared, shoving through the crowd to get to me, my dragon went into a battle stance almost immediately, as soon as she saw him. "Easy Scull, don't do anything quite yet." I warned my dragon to be cautious of the situation that could unfold. "You're an absolute stranger that crash-landed here on berk on that monstrous beast, and yet... no one seems to be afraid of you. What is your name so we know what we should call you, dragon rider." Chief Stoick said while he held both of my shoulders with his hands. "My name, Chief Stoick, is what I'm known for because of my dragon. The Rider of Death. Though my name that was given to me at birth is (Y/n) Horrendous Haddock." As soon as I said that I received an array of odd looks. I heard Hiccup speak after a long silence. "Impossible, my sibling died a long time ago, as well as my mother."

—Words total 1128–

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