Chapter 3

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Nini pov:

I woke up on a soft surface. I must be at home.

Was Ricky here? No, why would he. He wanted me to leave. I couldn't blame him though. He had no idea about my life, about this world.

All of the sudden a hand was placing on my own hand. I thought it was my mom until I realized the sparks. Was he actually still here? I slowly opened by eyes and the first thing I noticed was that I was in fact in my bedroom.

Then I noticed the guy who I was made to be with sitting on the edge of my bed. He was actually here. "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" he softly asked me. My eyes scanned my room for my water bottle, and I finally found it on my desk. I tried to get up to grab it but was pushed back onto the bed by a strong hand. "No, you need to rest. What do you need?" I smiled slightly at the fact that he cared so much for me.

Yeah, I knew that it was because he was my mate, but honestly, I could care less right now. I pointed towards the bottle of water on my desk, and he immediately jumped up to grab. I gratefully took it from him with a smile on my face before slugging down the whole content of the bottle. "Someone was thirsty" he said. I just shrug my shoulders in response.

The two of us were quiet for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, but there was this feeling that we both needed to talk, so I did just that.

"Thank you for coming with us. You have no idea how much it means to me. This all must be really really overwhelming for you, so if you would rather rest for a bit than be with that is fine too." "Yeah, you're right it is overwhelming, but I want answers. Your mother said you could give them to me."

I tried to interrupt him when he said mother, because well I had too. But Ricky was a step ahead of me. "I know you have two moms, Nini. Now can we please move on."

My mouth was wide open. He didn't mind, why didn't he mind? Why wasn't he making fun of me? "Close your mouth Nini, or the flies will fly in." "Why are you so well ok with that?" I questioned him with confusion evident in my voice.

"Why would I?" he asked me with raised eyebrows. I shrug my shoulders "Everyone does, well they never say it because of our status, but they give me weird looks like they pity me." I expected him to do anything, but what he did.

Ricky pulled me into a hug, which made me feel better than it should. "Well, I would never judge your or anyone for that matter just because their parents aren't like society thinks it should be like." I smiled into our hug. Did he try to let go of me once? Yeah, he did. And did I refuse to let go, so he chuckled and just hugged me even tighter? Also, yes.

Our nice moment was interrupted though by him asking me about the one thing I hoped he wouldn't ask. "What's wrong with your heart?"

I desperately wanted to lie to him, but I couldn't do that to him. I sighed "I will tell you if you really want to know, but this was something I didn't want to tell you from the start because I do not want you to feel pressured."

"I do want to know Ni-Neens." He said the last part with a smile. I smiled too at the fact that he used his nickname for me." I took a deep breath before I started talking.

"Nothing is wrong with my heart" I started with.

I could see the confusion in his eyes, but just ignored it and continued talking.

"When I was just a few days old I was cursed. I know that must sound insane to you, but because of it I can't be nice to anyone. That's what caused me to have a pain in my heart when I helped that girl." "Then why did it happen again?" he asked.

"Because of you. It's not your fault, but it was because you're my mate. The curse can only be broken by finding and accepting your mate. Since you asked me to leave my mind thought you would reject me and well that was that. But please don't think you can't say no this. I never wanted you to feel like you need to do this to break the curse. You being happy is more important to me."

Ricky smiled slightly at my last words "I can't believe a sweet girl like you needs to be not kind. That sounds like torture for you." I just nodded my head sadly. "It was but I had no other choice, or I would ha- never mind." "What would happen if I did decide to, what was the word, reject you?"

I sighed "It doesn't ma-" He cut me off before I could even finish the sentence.

"Just tell me please Neens. I already care about you too much he confessed. "I'll die" I mumbled so quiet I was sure he did not hear. "Please speak up Neens." I sighed "I'll die Ricky. I'll die as soon as I turn 18."

All the colour drained from his face. For minutes he just stared at me without either of us saying a word. "If I accept you, you will be free from the curse?" I nodded my head "Yes, but please do not feel pressured."

For a few seconds my heart was beating so fast I was scared it would jump out of my chest. "Who wouldn't want to be stuck with a beautiful, kind and sweet women for the rest of their life." My eyes widened in shock. "Like I said I already care too much about you Neens. So, I won't reject you, but can we go slow. For both of our sakes."

I frantically nodded my head "Yes, yes we can. Thank you so much Ricky. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Hey, so I didn't update for a bit. Sorry about that

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