Chapter 4

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Nini pov:

The two of us just sat in my room for a few minutes before there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I yelled to whoever was on the other side. The door opened to reveal my favourite guard. "Your mothers are waiting in the dining room" he told me while eyeing Ricky. "Thank you. We will be down right away." He gave a curt nod before closing the door behind him.

I pushed myself off of the bed and held my hand out for his. "Come on, Dinner is ready." He looked at my hand. I was about to pull it away, thinking it was too fast when he grabbed it and gave it a little squeeze.

"I'm starving" he said before pulling me out of the door.  His lead didn't last long though because right outside of the door he stopped. I giggled at that, which caused him to playfully glare at me. "Just follow me."

I tried to let go of his hand so I could walk ahead, but he refused to let it go. When I stared at him in confusion, he just shrug his shoulders at me and motioned for me to show him the way.

I did just that and shortly after we arrived at the big double doors. I let go of his hand, this time successfully, to push open the doors. Behind it was a beautifully decorated room with a big table in the middle.

"Wow" I heard Ricky mumbled beside me. "It's pretty amazing. Just wait until you see the rest of the castle, but that's something I'll show you tomorrow."

We took a few steps into the room and immediately I noticed my moms looking at the two of us with a huge smile on their faces. "It's good to see you doing better Nini and it's nice to see you Ricky" Momma D said.

I could feel how nervous he was, so I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Come on, sit down kids. Dinner is about to be served." I led him towards my usual seat opposite of my parent's seats and motioned for him to sit down next to me. Like a True gentleman though he pulled out my chair for me, which caused me to blush slightly.

Shortly after Dinner was served and we had all stilled most of our hunger a conversation started up. "So, Ricky tell us some more about yourself" Momma C said. He was in the middle of taking a sip of water, so he nearly spit it out. I silently laughed at that.

I was fully prepared for him to glare at me, but not that he would put his hand on my thigh and give it a squeeze. Me, who was also taking a sip of water at that time, nearly spit it out as well.

"Well, I'm from Salt Lake City, like you probably already guessed, and my full name is Richard Michael Bowen. I mostly go by Ricky though."

My eyes widened at his fully name. "Richard?" I asked him stunned. "Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm a 50-year-old guy with grey hairs." I giggled at his words. Yeah, I haven't laughed that much in like forever. Maybe I did as a kid, but I can't remember a single time where I did. My moms noticed that too and smile brightly at it.

"Onto a more serious topic. Did Nini tell you about what you are to her?" He nodded his head "Yeah, even though I'm not quite sure what a mate is. Is it like a soulmate or?" Momma C nodded her head at his words. "That's exactly what it is . It's a little more complicated, but basically yes."

I decided to not wait for anything to go wrong and just say it. "I haven't told him everything yet though."

My moms looked like they immediately knew what I have not told him while Ricky just looked at me with raised eyebrows. "I'll tell you about it after Dinner if you want" I offered. "It just wasn't the most important thing to tell someone, who was new to this world."

That answer seemed to satisfy him because he continued to finish his food. When we finished desert our plates were taken away and I excused us.

The whole way back to my room we stayed quiet until we reached my door. "You can sleep in the room next to mine or someone can prepare you a room in any part of the castle. It's your choice." He smiled slightly at my words "The one next to yours is fine."

I let out a breath in relive at his word, which caused him to chuckle. "I get that we're destined to be together, so why make it harder for each other."

How did I deserve such a perfect mate, who is human? Human mates are known to be common among the royal family, because they make you more humble. Since they don't know this world, you will learn to see it from a new perspective. That's at least what my grandfather always told me. His wife, my grandmother was also a human.

When I sat down on my bed Ricky immediately jumped onto the bed next to me, causing me to fall to the side and onto my mountain of pillows. He chuckled at that, but before I could get the chance to glare at him, he started to tickle my sides.

"Stop" I chocked out through my laughter. "Nay, I quiet like seeing you like this." I desperately tried to shove his hands away, but he just secured them above my head with one of his hands, making me defenceless. I closed my eyes for a second because I was laughing so much that tears were escaping my eyes.

When I opened them back up, I noticed that Ricky's face was really close to mine. He kept leaning down as if he was trying to kiss me.

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