Going In Blind

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Jen opens the door to her babysitter, "Thanks so much Laura, you are a lifesaver. I might be back, might not, but either way you are being paid for the overnight."

"Oh, if you come back, you don't have to" Laura is cut off by Jenny putting in her pearl earrings.

Jen insists, "I know how difficult my children are, so please take the extra money."

Laura nods, accepting the extra cash. Jen on the way out the door exclaims, "See you... eventually. Love you!" Jen rushes to her car and starts it. She changes her heels for flats to drive. At 8:59 she arrives at Maggiano's and changes her flats to heels again. She checks in under Arthur's name and is taken to her two-person table.

While Jen sits and waits for her date to show, Jethro gets ready himself. Around half an hour later Jethro is at the restaurant and checks in under Scarlett's name. He notices Jen sitting 3 tables over, "Jen, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," Jen looks up at Jethro. Jen answers, "I was set up on a blind date."

"Tony is forcing me to hang out with some woman named Scarlett Foxx," Jethro admits. They both laugh. Jethro asks, "How long have you been here?"

"About a half an hour, but he could be running late. I mean I did get my sitter so I guess I can stay as long as I want to," Jenny answers smiling.

Jethro takes his seat at his table. The two sit ignoring each other's presence for another half an hour. Jethro stands up and walks past Jen who is still sitting there all dressed up. He stops in his path and turns around and takes a seat in front of Jen, "Don't say anything. I am paying for your meal. Order anything you want."

"You got stood up too?" Jen asks, adjusting herself in her chair. Jethro nods his head in agreement. Jen looks at the menu, and back at Gibbs, "I don't know about you, but I think I've memorized the menu waiting on my date. Do you know what you want?"

Gibbs responds looking at the menu, "I am going to have the Amatriciana. And you m'lady?"

Jen smiles, "I think I will have the Cacio E Pepe."

The waiter comes over and asks for their orders. After they order they start to talk about work and how the kids are. They get their dishes and eat up. Soon after they finish, Jethro pays for both the meals and the bottle of wine ordered in the process. Jethro walks Jenny to her car, "I had a wonderful night. Maybe we could do it again sometime." Jen smiles as Jethro kisses her on the cheek, "Goodnight, Jethro. See you on Monday."

Gibbs goes home in his own car, alone. Jethro gets home and heads down to the basement. His heart won't slow down, so he tries to take his mind off of it by working on the boat. He turns to grab his toolbox, but is met with Jen standing in front of him, "Jethro..."

"I see you decided to let yourself in," Jethro grabs his hammer from his toolbox and turns back towards Jen only to be greeted by a kiss. Gibbs drops the hammer and it lands on his foot, "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Jen steps back, "Are you okay?"

"I'd be better if you kept kissing me," Jethro grabs her by the waist and pulls her in for a sensual and passionate kiss. He clears off his tool bench with his one free hand. The other hand is finding all her curves. Jethro starts helping undress her as she rips off his shirt. The two continue all night long. Soon enough both of them make their way to the bedroom where they fall asleep together in the same bed. Before Jethro finally falls asleep, he pictures flashbacks of his time in Europe with Jenny, he then starts to fear her leaving again. But with that fear is exhaustion, mental, emotional, and physical. He eventually falls asleep to her light snore- or as she would put it, her heavy breathing.

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