Hierarchy of needs

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs is relevant to organizational theory because both are concerned with human motivation. Understanding what people need—and how people's needs differ—is an important part of effective management. Historically, Abraham Maslow was a famous psychologist who contributed significantly to the growth and development of human psychology as evidently shown in the study of human needs and motivation in human environment in the contemporary society. Abraham Maslow was, indeed, regarded to be among the founding fathers of human psychology and motivation in human environment. Mulwa (2008) rightly views Abraham Maslow as one of the founding fathers of the study of human psychology and motivation in the contemporary society. 

Abraham Maslow propounded the theory of human needs which is popularly known as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in human environment in the society. Onah (2015) remarks that in 1943 that Brandeis University professor of psychology, Abraham Maslow as a renowned researcher in the study of human needs and motivation came up with his hierarchy of needs theory with a proposal that people are motivated by five levels of needs namely: (1) Physiological needs, (2) safety needs, (3) belonging needs, (4) esteem needs and (5) selfactualization needs. 

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