Mr(?) Haruhi Fujioka

179 3 0

Word Count- 2548

As the final bell rang the next day, Miko had to mentally prepare herself to visit the Host Club. Like stated before, she truly had no ill feeling towards any of the boys, it was more her having to go against her will. However, she remembered Kyoya saying something about Tamaki setting up the room up with a Bali theme to get her attention. 

A small blush covered her face at the thought of friends needing to go through such lengths to get her attention. It wasn't like she tried to be hard to get to, she was just busy. To be honest, she could hardly call herself a member of the Host Club, more of a mutual friend.  She has known Kyoya through family events since late childhood, and through him she met Tamaki. The three of them quickly became friends and she would visit the host club the hour after school, before they  entrain guests.

However, she didn't know if it was still okay for her to visit before hours. She let out a deep breath as she grabbed her bag, and packing her things. She exited her classroom, closing the door behind her. After adjusting the gaudy bow around her neck and straightening out her glasses, she decided it was better now or never to find out if she was still welcome at the club.

"I can't be late, sorry, pardon me!" A voice broke through the crowed as a figure barreled forward. Most students moved out of the way, some muttering something about indecency, before carrying on. Miko, on the other hand just froze and stared wide-eyed as the figure ran full her.

Time seemed to slow down as the student crashed into her, sending them both to the ground. Gasps erupted from nearby students, some others chose to come see what was going on. Miko felt her glasses were slanted as she stared widely at the figure above her. 

"I...I am so so sorry!" He exclaimed as he stood up, holding his hand out to Miko. It took her a second to get over her shock but she took his hand, pulling her self up while her other hand fixed her glasses. 

"It's okay." She smiled softly, rubbing the back of her head. Noticing people were still hanging around she shot a cold and sharp glance to them. "People of high status should do well to remember not to get involved in others business." Her words were sharp and she saw the color drain from a few faces.

The student who knocked her over was bowing respectfully, causing Miko to sigh. She placed a hand on his shoulder, gaining his attention. Their eyes met. "What has you in such a hurry?" She asked politely as she began to guide him the direction he was running. 

"I- uh." The male was obviously flustered that Miko was so easy to forgive him. "I am heading to music room three." 

"The Host Club?"  The male's face darkened with a blush. "There's no need to blush, but I don't think they are open for guests at the moment." She places a finger up to her lip trying to think of how much time is left. She didn't feel the need to judge anyone for their sexual attractions, so if this guy wanted to visit the Host Club, who was she to question it?



"I'm..." He let out a sigh. "I am a member." 

"Oh..." She stopped walking. Her eyes narrowed as she remembered Kyoya talking about a new member. "You must be Haruhi!" She brought her fist down to the palm of her other hand, a bigger smile on her face.

"Huh? How did you know?" He tilted his head as they began walking again. "I don't think I've seen you at the Host Club before." 

"Oh, I haven't been by in a long while." She adjusted her bangs and felt the back of her head where she hit the floor. It stung a bit, but she didn't think much of it. If anything she could ask Kyoya to check it out when they saw each other later. " I was accepted to work in the office for extra credit." She explained.

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