The Wonderful Poppy

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Word Count- 5336+
Not gonna lie I think the middle part of this chapter is kinda wonky, feel free to be cruel to me :,) also whoops I keep forgetting to update

"I really appreciate the offer, Kyoya, but I have a class planned today." Miko spoke into her cellphone. A couple days have passed and Kyoya has been subtly trying to apologize to her for outing them without discussing it with her first. However, Miko knew it was probably his sister putting him up to it when he talked to her.

"Are you still upset with me, Miss Suzuki?" His voice was laced with frustration. Clearly he was fed up with trying to make it up to her for 'spilling the beans' so to speak. The truth was she forgave him the next day. The only ones who knew were their closest friends, so what was the problem? Miko knew their secret was safe so she didn't think too hard on it. It just seems that Kyoya can't pick up her forgiveness, probably a gnawing feeling of guilt... The thought of him feeling guilty was enough to make her laugh.

"I already told you I'm not." She sighed, adjusting her grip on her phone. "As much as I would like to hang out with everyone, I've been looking forward to this class." The girl walked into her closet, browsing her dresses. "Extend my thanks to your parents anyways, and tell everyone I said hi!"

"Very well." He sighed and hung up. She chuckled at his childish antics and put her phone away. She wasn't avoiding him or trying to take avoid any of the members who knew her secret. No, she really had a class to go to for her younger sister. She wanted to make something special for her. See when you think of Honey who else do you think of? Takashi? Probably, but you must also think of Usa-Chan.

Honey was given Usa-Chan by his late grandmother and it's something he cherished. Miko wanted Sana to have something similar for her birthday tomorrow. Since she wasn't able to explore the world, Sana didn't get to experience a lot of things people would consider normal. Window shopping is one of those things, going out shopping with friends all together was out of the question. So, Miko decided she was going to learn to make something special for her sister. It's something she thought she deserved.

At first glance, Miko might seem like a cold and calculated student, and in many ways she was. However, she hardly knew better, it was hard not to be. She tries her hardest to be unlike her parents, she wanted to make sure the people she cared about felt love. It truly was a battle she had to constantly fight. If she was cold she could get work done with out having to worry about how it affected others. But is that truly how she wanted to live?

Of course not. She wanted to be surrounded by love. She cared for people, and knew that she could help them. She wanted to be a pediatrician. Her father already handed his medicinal company to her brother, so why make medicine when she could use it? Use it and help people like her sister?

Miko sighed and pulled a dress off of the rack. She quietly dressed herself, making sure everything matched and picked up a pair of tennis shoes. It was still relatively early in the afternoon meaning she had the rest of the day to work on refining her skills. Growing up in a prominent family she was taught the basics of sewing, but toymaking was something different. So she was happy to learn something outside her family's expectations.

She denied a ride to the train station, deciding to walk the whole way there. The shop where the class was being held at wasn't that far from the station, and she didn't mind being around 'commoners'. Plus it was a nice day outside, it would be good to soak up the sun. A little vitamin D is exactly what Miko needed to make this day better.

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