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Artemis , the 8th Olympian , Daughter of Zeus , the virgin goddess and eternal man hater had fallen in love with a man. She did not know exactly what it was about Andrew Jackson that drew her in , he was handsome, yes .. but she had met others more handsome than him yet had never given them a second glance..his love for nature, maybe ? Whatever it was , it was not reciprocated because of a very simple reason - Andrew had no clue that she even existed . Having seen him from Olympus the first time , and invisibly spying on him the other four times she could not very well go up to him and inform him that She was the Artemis , goddess of the moon and that she , being a sworn virgin yet in love with him , was now possibly pregnant in the same way her sister Athena's children were conceived..a child born out of the union of souls . She had been absent from her beloved Hunt for long enough ... she had to return ..if the child was a girl , it would be fine...Zoe would make sure she was taken care of ... otherwise , well , it was her son , he should be able to survive in the wilderness, right ?
She would have to return soon , being the goddess of childbirth she knew this child would be born within the next four months and then she would have to decide what to do , she kept praying to the Fates that it would be a girl..
She flashed to a clearing in the middle of the forest she was in and waved her hand through the air , as it rippled to form a rainbow. Courtesy of her immortal status and friendship with the rainbow goddess , the usual incantations were not needed .
Zoe Nightshade, her longtime friend and
lieutenant of the Hunt smiled when she saw her . "Milady , the hunters were beginning to worry about thee, it has been five months , where hast thou been?"
" I have been scouting... an interesting development and will be back within a few months . All is well in the Hunt , I presume ?"
Zoe nodded , "Of course , Milady. It shall be a pleasure to see thee again.."
It was difficult to hide something from a friend as old as old and true as Zoe's was to her..she hoped she had managed well enough.
She would inform Zoe..just..later. Once it was done. Once she could be free of this burden.
The message vanished and a pregnant Artemis was left pondering her life choices in the middle of the woods .

Perseus, Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now