Fall In Love

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Five years have passed, Wei Wuxian's two twins, the fruit of her love with her husband have now grown into very handsome, cute and adorable children.

Lan Wuji had the exact same face as Lan Wangji even his personality was almost the same, quiet and flat, when his mother teased him, Lan Wuji's ears turned red and would only look down shyly, just like Lan Wangji, when he saw Lan Wuji, Wei Wuxian's longing for Lan Wangji would  treated.

Lan Jixian on the other hand has a very cute and sweet face, somehow this child's face is exactly the same as Wei Wuxian in his old body before dying horribly torn apart by a vicious corpse.

If only Lan Wangji was still alive and saw his daughter's face which was exactly the same as his Wei Ying before, maybe Lan Wangji would feel happy, because even though Lan Wangji accepted Wei Wuxian as she was in Mo Xuan Yu's body, he still actually preferred Wei's real physique.  Wuxian, but as long as Wei Wuxian's soul is in any body, Lan Wangji will sincerely accept it as it is.

Lan Wuji and Lan Jixian were both extremely intelligent and geniuses, their cultivation skills were extremely high passed down from Lan Wangji's genetics and even when examined, their golden cores were extremely strong.

Even though they were both orphans but Lan Wuji and Lan Jixian never lacked love, the entire Gusulan sect pampered the twins greatly and moreover Lan Xichen was even like a surrogate father to the twins who had never felt his father's affection from birth.

Lan Qiren also loved Lan Wuji and Lan Jixian very much because they were Lan Wangji's precious relics, especially Lan Wuji because his face was exactly the same as Lan Wangji's.

Day by day, Lan Xichen is getting closer to Wei Wuxian but Wei Wuxian's insensitive nature has made Lan Xichen stroke his chest, Lan Xichen even thinks how patient his younger brother Lan Wangji is because he used to be so patient while beside Wei Wuxian who was never sensitive and  just consider him a mere 'friend'.

Until finally because he felt that time was enough, the twins had grown up and it was time for Wei Wuxian to turn over a new leaf, his sister had long since died, so Lan Xichen was determined today to express his feelings to Wei Wuxian.

And Lan Xichen also invited Wei Wuxian out of the sect and had dinner at a restaurant located in Caiyi town, the shop used to be a place of memories for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, when they were lovers to husband and wife, when young Wei Wuxian liked to invite Lan  Wangji went to this shop but Lan Wangji refused because Wei Wuxian invited his friends like Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng and others, Lan Wangji just wanted them alone.


When he finished eating, Lan Xichen calmly put down his chopsticks, "Wei brother?"  he said bravely and took a deep breath while closing his eyes

"yes brother-in-law?"  Wei Wuxian replied with his usual sweet smile, an alluring smile that would melt anyone's heart.

Likewise, Lan Xichen's heart which in the end fell deeply in love because of that charming smile and forgot Jin Guangyao was Lan Xichen's first love, after all Jin Guangyao was a straight man it was proven that he was married and had children, besides that he also turned out to be very evil and cunning, to  what do you remember again, right?.

"Brother Wei I have something to tell you, that's why I brought you here" Lan Xichen said starting to hesitate

"Just tell brother-in-law, I will definitely listen to you" Wei Wuxian replied

"Little Wei, you know that Wangji has been dead for five years, do you... hmm... do you intend to open your heart?"  Lan Xichen asked nervously.

"Xichen ge what do you mean? Lanzhan used to be faithful to wait for me as long as I died thirteen years, right? Then I will do the same as what Lanzhan did before! I will wait for her to come back to me, I'm sure she will be reincarnated" Wei replied  Wuxian was firm.

"Brother Wei, you came back because Mo Xuan Yu performed the ritual body sacrifice for you and no one would ever want to do it again other than Mo Xuan Yu, much less for a Wangji known as Hanguang Jun" Lan Xichen said.

"What does Xichen ge mean?"  Wei Wuxian said cluelessly.

"I'm sorry, Mo Xuan Yu used to be very desperate and wanted revenge, then he only summoned Yiling Laozu who he thought was an evil spirit who would avenge him right? If only there was someone else like Mo Xuan Yu who was willing to sacrifice his body for a  revenge, surely he wouldn't summon the spirit of a virtuous Hanguang Jun, would he?"  Lan Xichen explained at length.

"That's right, in a case like Mo Xuan Yu it will summon evil spirits like Xue Yang, Wen Chao or Wen Rouhan to take revenge." Wei Wuxian frowned in thought.

"That's why Wangji won't be able to return within tens of years, if he goes through a cycle of reincarnation then he will temporarily remain in the Yanluo King realm for some time, in the ghost realm it might not be long, but in the human realm it could be tens or hundreds of years."  Lan Xichen continued.

"Then what Xichen ge mean?"  Wei Wuxian asked quietly.

"Stop wishing for the dead, Wangji won't come back like you used to be, Wei brother? Even if he reincarnates then at the earliest maybe around fifty or sixty years into the future he will be born and by that time you will be an old geezer, not to mention if his memory is erased because of  drink Grandma Meng's holy water before her soul enters the body of a baby for reincarnation! is it possible that she will remember you and still love you with your aging physique?"  said Lan Xichen again trying to convince Wei Wuxian again.

"Then what should I do?"  replied Wei Wuxian while looking down

"Forget Wangji and turn over a new leaf" said Lan Xichen

"Who will accept me as I am like Lanzhan? You know my past is so dark and gloomy! Only Lanzhan sincerely accepts me as I am," said Wei Wuxian.

Lan Xichen, "I will accept you as you are Wei brother, I really sincerely love you for who you are, maybe I'm not as perfect as Wangji in your eyes, but I will try to be the best for you and your children, they are also my nephews and I treat them like my own children, are you  want to open your heart to me brother Wei?"

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