I Love You Forever

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After getting married, now Wei Wuxian is alone with Lan Xichen in the bridal chamber which has been decorated with various red knick-knacks and Chinese ornaments.

Wei Wuxian looked down shyly, Lan Xichen smiled at him and removed the red hood that covered Wei Wuxian's head.

Wei Wuxian looked up and his face blushed at Lan Xichen who was so very handsome, Lan Xichen was the most handsome young master in the world of cultivation, actually his face was as handsome as Lan Wangji only because Lan Wangji was so cold, stiff and had difficulty expressing and socializing so Lan Wangji  It was Xichen who was first in line for being handsome as a young master of the swarming sect while Wei Wuxian was fourth in his old body.


"Little brother Wei you are so beautiful", Lan Xichen still looked adoringly at his lover and smiled gently at him

"Thank you" Wei Wuxian replied shyly not knowing what to say.

Oh come on this is Lan Xichen's aura is so different from the old Lan Wangji that Wei Wuxian doesn't dare to tease him or act naughty, mischievous and coquettish like he did with Lan Wangji back then.

Lan Xichen had an aura that was so mature and so dignified that anyone would be very disdainful of him and respect him, including Wei Wuxian the troublemaker who used to even dare to interfere with Lan Qiren's high blood pressure and make Lan Wangji lose control of Wei Wuxian's actions.

Lan Xichen was so calm and calm like the incarnation of a buddha and that's why he was so respected by everyone including Wei Wuxian and that's why Wei Wuxian until now didn't even think that Lan Xichen could fall in love with him because Lan Xichen was even more righteous and pure in sight.  Wei Wuxian rather than Lan Wangji, maybe Wei Wuxian thought Lan Xichen was like a god even though Lan Xichen himself was an ordinary human.

Lan Xichen held Wei Wuxian's chin and their eyes were now looking at each other, Lan Xichen's eyes were pitch black while Lan Wangji's eyes were golden yellow, the two of them were like betel nut cut in half, people thought they were twins because their faces were so similar,  only the color of the eyeballs and the form of expression that distinguishes them both.

While Wei Wuxian's eyeballs are purplish gray, but if he is in Yiling Laozu mode then his eyeballs will turn a deep red color as red as blood.

Lan Xichen admired Wei Wuxian's beautiful face, as well as Wei Wuxian who fell in the charm of Lan Xichen's handsomeness, again the progeny descendants did have the best genetic quality.

"I love you forever brother Wei", Lan Xichen gently caressed Wei Wuxian's cheek

"I also love you forever Xichen ge" Wei Wuxian replied

"Are you ready brother Wei?"  Lan Xichen asked

"Yes Xichen ge? I'm ready" replied Wei Wuxian nodding his head.

Lan Xichen kissed Wei Wuxian's lips and kissed him, Wei Wuxian closed his eyes and fell into the kiss that his new husband gave him and Lan Xichen grabbed Wei Wuxian's neck to deepen the kiss and then Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Lan Xichen's neck and opened his mouth.

Lan Xichen also played with his tongue in Wei Wuxian's mouth and explored every corner of his wife's mouth and then Lan Xichen opened Wei Wuxian's wedding robe and he also opened his wedding robe, after their bodies were both innocent, Lan Xichen laid Wei Wuxian on top  their bridal bed.

Lan Xichen kissed Wei Wuxian's ear and licked his earlobe made Wei Wuxian sigh and then Lan Xichen's kiss went down Wei Wuxian's neck and licked Wei Wuxian's neck and shoulders giving a red mark of ownership there.

After that Lan Xichen went down to kiss Wei Wuxian's flat chest and gave a red ownership mark on his wife's flat chest and did not forget Lan Xichen twisted Wei Wuxian's nipples and also licked them, biting and sucking Wei Wuxian's nipples making Wei Wuxian sigh in pleasure.

Lan Xichen licked down Wei Wuxian's stomach and licked his navel hole and then down to Wei Wuxian's penis licking his pee hole while shaking Wei Wuxian's penis and Lan Xichen's tongue also licked Wei Wuxian's anus while his hands shook his wife's penis making Wei Wuxian roll with amusement and sigh  delicious at the same time.

After feeling the heat enough, Lan Xichen immediately inserted his penis into Wei Wuxian's anus, making Wei Wuxian scream in pain because he had not been entered for a long time.

"Xichen ge!! aaah......you're crazy! it hurts so much!"  Wei Wuxian screamed because it felt like his body was splitting in two

"Sorry brother Wei, are you still sick?"  Lan Xichen asked carefully because he didn't want to hurt him wife's heart.

"Move Xichen ge, just take it slow, okay?"  Wei Wuxian replied while still closing his eyes from the pain and pain

"Alright brother Wei, hang on." Lan Xichen smiled gently looking at Wei Wuxian below him.

And Lan Xichen started to move slowly, at first Wei Wuxian was still holding back the stinging and pain and his eyes were still closed while biting his lower lip but after several 'stabs' Lan Xichen hit Wei Wuxian's sweetpot point then the pain and soreness turned into a feeling  enjoyment.

"Xichen geee! aaaah..... yaaa! soooooo over there"

"Wei brother.....ah......ah.....ah"

"Fasteeer! aaaah Xichen ge over there!"

"ah......ah.....ah.....brother Wei!"

"touch that point again Xichen ge, aaaargh"

"Yes brother Wei.......ah.....ah....ah".

Lan Xichen accelerated the speed of his impact inside Wei Wuxian's penis and Wei Wuxian arched his body while biting his lower lip and closing his eyes feeling good at the same time.

"I love you forever brother Wei…..ah…ah…ah”

"I love you too Xichen ge" ge.....oouh.....eeungh"

"ah.....ah.....ah......brother Wei I want to go out"

"Don't take it out again Xichen ge! I don't want to get pregnant and giving birth again is so painful! Aaaaah...oooh" Wei Wuxian sighed with a sigh.

Lan Xichen smiled at the man who was sighing beneath him and soon Lan Xichen pulled his penis out of Wei Wuxian's anus and released his sperm which spilled over the bed as well as Wei Wuxian who released his sperm on the bed, Lan Xichen kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead  and hugged him then whispered a word of thanks to him, Wei Wuxian just smiled nodding.

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