Cause I'm Yours

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Lan Xichen's sentence of two years of exile had ended and now Lan Xichen was determined to find Wei Wuxian and his two nephews, Lan Wuji and Lan Jixian.

Lan Xichen went to Lan Qiren, "Uncle, I will search and find Wei brother, I will bring him here and be responsible for him".

Lan Qiren, "go away! I also miss Wangji's children, find them and bring them all here"

“Okay uncle, Xichen is leaving now.” Lan Xichen nodded respectfully and then immediately left the gates of the bogus sect.


For two months Lan Xichen tracked Wei Wuxian's whereabouts until he finally found out Wei Wuxian was in a village and Lan Xichen rushed to the village.

When Lan Xichen arrived at the village he saw a house and in front of the house there was a stretch of rice fields and there were several farmers in the fields.

"Excuse me? Is this really Jia village? May I ask if you know Wei Wuxian?"  Lan Xichen asked one of the farmers who was plowing the fields with his buffalo.

"Wei gongzi? he is the owner of the rice fields here, he lives with his three children, that's his house" the farmer pointed to a big house

"Three? Did he remarry?"  Lan Xichen thought worriedly, "thank you" Lan Xichen said to the farmer and then rushed over to Wei Wuxian's house.

Lan Xichen knocked on the door, a little boy around seven years old opened it, a golden-eyed boy and Lan Xichen recognized him.

Lan Xichen, "Wuji?"

"uncle?"  There was a happy glint in Lan Wuji's eyes and Lan Xichen could read his expression because he was exactly the same as his younger brother, Lan Wangji.

"This is uncle, where are mother and Jixian?"  Lan Xichen crouched down to match Lan Wuji's height.

Lan Wuji, "a niang with Ji Chen and Jixian"

"Who? Ji Chen?"  Lan Xichen frowned

"youngest brother" Lan Wuji replied

"Your mother remarried?"  Lan Xichen asked limply.

Lan Wuji shook his head, "A niang never married but two years ago A niang gave birth to a brother"

"Who's coming, Wuji?"  Wei Wuxian walked up to Lan Wuji with a little boy in his arms.

Lan Xichen was surprised and happy to see Wei Wuxian was also very surprised to see the boy in his arms, "Wei brother?".

"Xichen ge", Wei Wuxian looked surprised and soon Lan Jixian came running to hug Lan Xichen

"Uncle Xichen! Xian'er misses uncle!"  said Lan Jixian who has now grown into a beautiful little girl.

Lan Xichen hugged Lan Jixian back then he hugged Lan Wuji too, "Uncle misses you, my nephews, I'm sorry uncle for just now coming to see you".

"A niang who is that uncle?"  said the little boy who was in Wei Wuxian's arms

"That's your biological father Ji Chen" replied Wei Wuxian

"Ji Chen's babe?"  the little boy looked happy, Wei Wuxian nodded slowly.

Lan Xichen was surprised to hear Wei Wuxian's words, that child is his biological son?  Happiness ran through his heart because he did not expect to have become a father and have children from the man he loved so much, Wei Wuxian.

Lan Xichen, "Wei brother? is it true? this child is my biological son?"

"You remember what happened between us two years ago?"  Wei Wuxian asked

"I remember" Lan Xichen replied nodding.

"And I am pregnant with your seed, this is your biological child, Lan Ji Chen, I gave the combined name of you and Jiang Cheng because he is my shidi" Wei Wuxian said and gave Lan Ji Chen to Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen accepted Lan Ji Chen's sling "my son" Lan Xichen muttered in tears

"baba? are you my baba?"  Lan Ji Chen asked with his innocent face

"I'm your baba son" Lan Xichen hugged and kissed his son's face

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your son." Wei Wuxian lowered his head.

Lan Xichen, "Wei brother come with me to the gusu? I know you still love Wangji, but…..can you consider for the sake of your children to live back in the gusu?".

Wei Wuxian was silent and then nodded, "Forgive my selfishness all this time, I realized that I actually love you too Xichen ge! For two years I felt something was missing when you weren't with me".

Lan Xichen hugged Wei Wuxian, "Wei brother forgive me because it was my fault that I made a mistake that night, two years ago to you! You must have suffered from being pregnant and giving birth alone".

"Xichen ge is over and I'm happy to have another child after all" Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Xichen back

"That means you have accepted my love right brother Wei?"  Lan Xichen asked.

Wei Wuxian smiled shyly and blushed in Lan Xichen's arms and he nodded, "yes because I am yours Xichen ge! I am yours"

"I'm happy to have you completely brother Wei" Lan Xichen kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead.

Wei Wuxian, "When will we return to the swarm sect?"

Lan Xichen, "it's up to you when you're ready? Brother Wei do you want us to get married first to perform the ritual of prostration three times like you and Wangji used to, before returning to the tussle sect?".

Wei Wuxian nodded, Lan Xichen was very happy because Wei Wuxian finally accepted his love and they finally prepared for their wedding.


The guests who were invited were local villagers, on the wedding day, both of them wore red wedding clothes.

Wei Wuxian looked very beautiful in a red wedding dress and a silver and gold hair tie on his head, while Lan Xichen looked very handsome in a red wedding dress, the ritual of bowing down three times.

The first prostration to the heavens and earth or the God they worship, the second to the ancestors of the bride and groom and the third prostration to the bride and groom bowing to each other.

Lan Xichen took off Wei Wuxian's hood, Lan Xichen was more and more fascinated by Wei Wuxian's beauty and as is the tradition of prodding, Lan Xichen untied his forehead ribbon and tied it around Wei Wuxian's wrist.

Tie the forehead ribbon as the symbol of the gusulan sect is self-control, if on the wedding day handing the forehead ribbon to the partner means that all self-control is handed over to the official partner.

For the second time, Wei Wuxian received the gussulan sect forehead ribbon, first when he married Lan Wangji and now with Lan Xichen, somehow it was possible even though in his youth Wei Wuxian had sworn he would never have a match let alone marry someone from the slander sect.

However, it seems that Wei Wuxian actually got his karma because in the end Wei Wuxian got married twice in a row to someone from the gusulan sect itself, which he thought was boring.

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