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Lan Xichen now lives with Wei Wuxian in Jia village, and as before, Wei Wuxian's dream was to become a farmer while his partner would wait for him to come home and take care of the household at home.

In the past, he expressed his dream when he was still with Lan Wangji and in the past, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji lived in a house in a bamboo hut surrounded by mountains and fields around it when they had been free cultivators for a while.

And in the past, Lan Sizhui as the adopted son of the couple Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian followed them and came to live in the cottage with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, and Wen Ning also had a hiding place not far from their cottage house.

But one day a letter came from the swarm sect and Lan Qiren asked Lan Wangji to return to the gusulan sect because at that time Lan Xichen had instead locked himself up and went into exile on his own initiative after Jin Guangyao died.

At that time Lan Xichen was so stressed, frustrated, depressed and hopeless that he was even more devastated when he was left by Jin Guangyao than when Lan Wangji was left by Wei Wuxian for thirteen years.

Of course it was because Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao's relationship used to be very deep even before Jin Guangyao married Qin Su and had a child with Qin Su, in fact Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen had frequent intimate relationships, therefore Jin Guangyao often visited Lan Xichen to the sect.  back and forth and vice versa, Lan Xichen often visited Jin Guangyao in the lanlingjin sect.

Whereas in the past, even though Lan Wangji loved Wei Wuxian very much, their relationship was not very deep, only Wei Wuxian who teased and bullied Lan Wangji too often in his first life and Lan Wangji who always avoided him even though he secretly loved him.

It could be said that before Wei Wuxian died, Lan Wangji's love for Wei Wuxian was one-sided because Wei Wuxian was not a cut sleeve (gay) and Wei Wuxian was still a normal man who was attracted and liked beautiful girls.

Therefore, although Lan Wangji's love for Wei Wuxian was so deep, but because Lan Wangji thought his love for Wei Wuxian was unrequited like Lan Qiren's love for Cangse Sanren, Wei Wuxian's mother, during those thirteen years Lan Wangji did not get too depressed, frustrated.  and stressed like Lan Xichen who lost Jin Guangyao.

Even though Lan Wangji had fallen, he was still able to get back up because his duties at that time were still many, namely taking care of, nurturing and raising Lan Sizhui who he found in Luanzhang Hill, then teaching the juniors of the gusulan sect and also being a cultivator who always helps people in need so that  At that time, the slogan 'where there is chaos, there will be Hanguang Jun to help'.

And because of that, after Lan Wangji found Wei Wuxian again in Mo Xuan Yu's body, he didn't let go again, and Lan Wangji wasn't rude to avoid and chase Wei Wuxian away again like when Wei Wuxian lived in his old body.

Even after that Lan Wangji spoiled Wei Wuxian very much and obeyed all of Wei Wuxian's requests made Wei Wuxian at first wonder and insensitive why Lan Wangji did all this for him until finally Lan Xichen told himself at the guanyin temple that his sister Lan Wangji had loved Wei Wuxian for a long time.

Wei Wuxian who was originally a normal and straight man and likes women, eventually turned and fell in love with Lan Wangji and later they got married, and they realized Wei Wuxian's dream of becoming a free cultivator with his partner and living in a hut around mountains, ponds and fields.  .

But when it didn't last long because Lan Qiren called Lan Wangji back to the sect to temporarily replace Lan Xichen's duties until Lan Xichen returned to normal, at that time Wei Wuxian was annoyed because his calm with Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui finally ended.

But in the end Wei Wuxian tried slowly to comfort Lan Xichen to return to his normal state, at first Lan Xichen's eyes were always blank and never responded when Wei Wuxian came to him to his hanshi and finally Lan Xichen slowly started to open his heart and at that moment Lan finally  Xichen begins to fall in love with Wei Wuxian.

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