98 - Ritē•s #KookV

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"Thank you all for coming... to help celebrate our sweet Taehyung's life. And to share our grief at his passing."

The intimate audience were all mum, they all knew how it went down with the 'Kims.'

The quaint pastor of the church continues, "My name is Adam, or as Taehyung called me Da, or sometimes…"

A piece of mournful cello music playing on speakers as background music.


A lighter flicks to life.

On the second floor in a dark corner, a cigarette light glows red.

Red like fire and blood.

A hidden figure quietly sits on top of his lover's lap, enjoying the serene scene below.

"How funny... isn't it Koo, my love?"


"Look at them all.. these nonsensical monkeys attending a funeral as they cared for the poor guy."

"The pastor is still going on and on with his false truths. Do I include him in the chaos?"

From the darkness a cigarette glowed red, Taehyung inhaling the acrid smoke, he hears the droning of the said man.

"Again, welcome to the Celebration of his magnificent Life. On behalf of Kim family, friends and most of all his fiancé Bogum, I would like to…"

"Yes," Taehyung answers back simply, "Start with him. Make him sing, Koo."

"Alright," Jungkook takes the cigarette off his lover's delicate fingers, puffs the smoke and nods.

A person comes out quietly from the shadows, "Let's begin, hyung. You heard Tae, start with the silver-tongued-paedophile-filth."

Yoongi nods and takes out his phone, presses a number and they wait until the funeral rites ended.

It was a quarter past 7:00 pm, a small number of guests started to stand up and prepared to leave the venue when the windows and doors of the small church closed shut, loudly, startling the high-profiled guests.

The lights were cut off and the emergency lights kicked in.

The lights highlighting the guests and the way to the emergency exit, the guests look at each other and take out their phones, to call for their bodyguards for assistance.

Brr, brrr, brr... "The number you dialled-"

Each guest furry their brows together as their guards didn't even answer their calls.

A flurry of angry grunts come out of their mouths.

"What's going on? Kim? Is this one of your plots?" An angry middle-aged man shouts at the head of the grieving family.

"What the fvc-"



One woman wipes his finger gently on her forehead then screams as she sees something red was smeared.


The sprinkling system activates and something red and fishy-smelling started to rain down on the guests' heads until it was pouring and drenching themselves slowly.

"I-Is this.. blood?"



A few more guests started to scream, some started to run for the door to try to escape and chaos ensued.

Taehyung smiles as he watches the scene below, "Pig's blood. Thank you, Koo. It fits them so well."

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