our captives are free and the introduction of the ikods

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On another side of town, Monaca kept fighting with Masaru. Jataro, annoyed just kept walking. they were also in this situation because of the ikods, most importantly Nagisa but that's not important. They found weapons to defend themselves from the Animal and Monokuma robots. Apparently ruin island and one of the ikods had a deal and it was holding up really well. Suddenly they saw Kotoko and Sunny come near them. "Hello again.well it would be hello again because we already met. but you haven't met Sunny yet." Kotoko said, rather excited when a giant multi-headed anteater robot along with a whole Lotta monokuma bots. "Well we're going die here, in the strange  miraland." Monaca remarked, miserable. "Well this is just sad" replied one of the heads, a pink head. "When I said fun,I didn't mean tragic" a golden head said, then giggled. "Well,they did turn boring in that apartment" a blue head replied sarcastically. Monaca with the weird megaphone, blasted the robot and the cloaking wore off, revealing their identities.

loli : a serious little girl,only 9 of age.the pink head

Kat: loli's twin sister, outgoing and cheerful. Also bound to Kanzenmatsu by a mysterious curse.one half of the golden head.

Sayori: a cheerful girl.loved cookies and other snacks.the red head.

Karen:the other voice of reason of the group, Sayori's older sister.the navy blue head.

Kanzenmatsu:Karen's youngest sibling.a fashion designer who is loved by almost everyone and I mean everyone. Kat's curse-bound and lotus wise other half. too nice for this world.the other half of the golden head.

Informant:just a dream literally brought to life by a ghost.he has too much guilt. His siblings include Kotoko,Nagisa,loli and Kat. the silver head.

Theresa:friend of everyone who gets along with basil or Julian. She would do anything so Julian can be happy, including changing reality.

Nagisa- the vice leader- a boy who speaks though a monomi-sounding voice generator,always using a screen to speak. he didn't always do this. wonder what his real voice sounds like.

Craig:Sayori's childhood best friend. seems to care mostly about her and Tweek's wellbeing, doesn't mean he doesn't care about the others.

Tweek: the boyfriend apparently. He does care for everyone and shows it more clearly than Craig.

Julian: a unpopular,depressed boy. Julian has had a crush on someone for a long time.

Blossom:a girl who makes candy. wonder why they say watch out she is cinnamon roll, or is she....

Avalon:the second-oldest, She doesn't like being second place in anything, not even in causing despair.

Pipimi:a rather murderous girl because of her past and her pain.

Basil:the ikod's great leader who believes in a world filled with despair. perhaps to soothe himself from his own despair.

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