crystals of hope

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Kotoko managed to save them, when when she remembered the white and brown crystals. At random thought she she decided to entrust them to Sunny and Jataro.

"I just remembered, I have these magical crystals, just like the ikods they have special powers and they have never been used before, so please take care of them." Kotoko mentioned, nervous. Jataro was confused and Sunny was shocked. "I...can't do this
Jataro said."how did you get this, can this save my friends from despair and the ikods? "Sunny replied. "sure you can! this will save our world, and all other worlds too! you just have to believe in yourself!"Kotoko said, to both of them. "no fair." monaca said.

Kat stared at her gem while walking around. "What do you want to tell me?" She asked it. It floated and showed her the box. Their box. The white gem was missing. "Kotoko...." She realized and ran back to the headquarters.

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