the reverse ikods: join the good side

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Jataro and Bradley walked in silence. He tilted his head and saw that Bradley was staring at the people ahead. Nagisa Shingetsu and Tsumugi Shirogane.  "Heh. Shirogane-Chan, can you please capture jataro?" Nagisa cooed. "All ri-right!" Tsumugi said, slightly stuttering. She disappeared, poofing away and a blue monokuma replaced her. "Hahah!!!" The monokuma said, revealing that she was tsumugi shirogane. She blasted needles from her arms and they only merely dodged Bradley. Tsumugi-Kuma, in fear ran away. That left Nagisa alone with Jataro and Bradley." We can do this the easy way or the despair-inducing way". Nagisa appeared to not be good at threats. Nagisa pulled out a gun and all hope appeared to be lost. That was until a petite pink-haired, along with others who appeared to be with her. Nagisa ran as he was blasted by a raging brunette, who Bradley recognized instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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