a battle for your life

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Monaca and Jataro blasted the pink head, which hissed at them. It appeared to have summoned something because a bus was approaching.

"Hello again."

Monaca turned her head and behind her she saw: the children. Donnatina tilted her head, called to Cindy, a command. "Attack!" She screamed at her friends.
Pearlina used her weapon to chop Monaca's left arm off. The blood continued to leak out, staining the pavement blood red. Jataro aimed at their bus, blowing up in flames.
"Let's go!" Jataro called to his friends.
Monaca had to lean on Masaru, as Jataro looked for a hospital.
A guy with glasses and black hair approached.
"Do you know where the nearest hospital is?"
He asked. "no, we're looking for it." Masaru responded.

He suggested using a GPS, and they did. Somehow that worked. "What's your name, anyway?" Masaru asked "Bradley" the guy responded. "Cool". They arrived at the hospital which appeared to be in ruins. Yet when they went in, it was on and functional. They took Monaca to the emergency room and the others waited. They assumed the ruin design are a result of wanting to trick the ikods into believing it was abandoned.

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