i miss you

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The next morning

Aether woke up and get ready to do his commission

Thoma: Ohh Aether, good morning (he greeted aether with a big smile on his face)

Aether: Morning Thoma, im sorry to keep you waiting

Thoma: nah, i just arrived don't worry

Aether: mm, kay

Thoma: so are you ready to wander around liyue?

Aether: yes i am

Aether and Thoma started to go around inazuma so aether can take more information about inazuma. They wander around until evening, then Thoma asked aether to eat with him
because they missed their lunch

Thoma: huhh, i think we can call it a day, we will continue to go to kannazuka and yashiori island  tomorrow can we?

Aether: yeaa good idea

Thoma: *growl* oh my, i just remember that both of us just skip our lunch, how about we get some food first?

Aether: okay let's go!

Thoma's mind: (oh my god, he's so cute, i spent my whole day with him, *sigh* i think my feelings toward him just growing and now i just invited him to eat with me....aahhh my hearttt)

Aether: ohh,, i think i want to eat here, you okay if we eat here thoma?

Thoma: ... (he's still daydreaming)

Aether: heyy...thomaaaa~~ (aether waving his hand infront of thoma face)

Thoma: OHHH!!! A-aether..wh-what are you doing?? Ha..ha..(thoma seems nervous)

Aether showed an annoyed face

Aether: hey i just call you for a few times but you just keep silent

Thoma: re-really??!??! Im sorry im sorry aetherrr, im just thinking about something else

Aether: nahh..it's fine, i asked you if you okay if we just eat here?

Thoma: yeah yeahh im okay with everything

Aether: okay then, let's order for our foods

Thoma: yeah okay

They both then sit at the table under the tree, they eat their food while having a little chat

while aether still eating his food, thoma suddenly stretched out his hand closer to aether's cheek because he saw some foods on aether's cheek

Thoma: hey there's some food on your ch-

???: here u are

Aether turned his face toward that voice with a shocked expression

Aether: xiaooo!!!

Xiao: *sigh* what with that expression you silly (he pat aether's head)

Thoma's mind: (xiao? Who is he? And what is his relation with aether? They seem close to each other)

Aether: ohh thoma, this is xiao, and xiao this is thoma, he is my guide during im here in inazuma

Thoma: nice to meet you xiao

Xiao: mm yeah (he showed his effortless expression as always)

Thoma's mind: (what's with him dudee)

Xiao then looked at aether then he wipe away that some foods that attached to aether's cheek

Xiao: *sigh* what are you? A baby?

Aether blushed

Aether: wh-what? I just did not notice that

Thoma: (whaaatttt??!! He just stole my opportunity damn it!!)

Xiao: are you done wandering around inazuma?

Aether: not yet, there's still 4 islands that i need to go

Xiao: whatt???!!!

Aether: you know what? It just too big, so maybe it will take about 2 weeks, i will just go to some specific spot, i will not explore whole island

Xiao: i'll come with you

Aether: how's your work hah?

Xiao: tch i can teleport everytime i want

Aether: yeah yeah it's up to you, vigilant yaksha

Thoma: umm aether... i think i should go now, i have some work to do, you should already know your way back to your room right?

Aether: umm yess, im sorry for troubling you

Thoma: no need to apologise, it's my job to guide you anyway

Aether: mm yeah..thank you for today thoma (he smile)

Thoma: u-umm yeah you're welcome, see you tomorrow bye (he blushed)

Aether: yeah see you tomorrow bubye

Xiao: woah you guys seems to be close just for a few days huh?

Aether: we spent our whole day together, of course we became closer

Xiao: tch! (He pouted)

Aether: hey don't tell me you were jealous? Come onn he's just my guide, of course i need to be friendly with him

Xiao: a bit

Aether: you called this "a bit" ?

Xiao: cut it out already, i miss you, you know?

Aether: *chuckled* yeahh i miss you too~ let's go to my room hehe, here is too open

Xiao nodded excitedly with his red face

At aether's room (the house that he rented for 2 weeks)

Xiao: woah nice

Aether: i know right

Xiao: so may we continue?

Aether: come here, give me my 3 days kisses

Xiao: coming~

Chu chu muah muah smooch mmuahh~♡♡

Xiao: satisfied? Now it's my turn, please give me my 3 days kisses too

Aether: as your wish master~♡

Aether: i miss you so much xiaoo, i just realized that i can no longer live without you by my side xiaoo

Xiao: i miss you soo much too aether, yeah me too, it's hard when you were not here with me, it's feel empty, you're my light aether, you're the only person that can light up my life forever

Aether: *chuckled* since when that you know how to utter such a romantic words like that huh?

Xiao: since im in love with you (he put his face on aether's shoulder)

Aether: hahaha so sweet, my boyfriend is so sweet

Xiao: stop it (he then kiss aether's neck and left a hickey on it

Aether: aaahhhh!! Don't leave a mark, what if thoma see this??

Xiao: then he will know that you were mine and he doesn't dare to flirt with you

Aether: flirt my ass!!

Xiao: (he doesn't notice yet)

Aether: aaa whatever...im so tired, let's just sleep okey? Hug me

Xiao: you just scolded me a while ago and then you asked for a hug, how shameless

Aether: okay fine, sleep outside and don't touched me

Xiao: awww I'm just kidding darling, muahh (then xiao kiss aether while pulling him into a hug)

Aether: hmm what..evehh..(he fall asleep)

Xiao: poor my sweetheart..you look so tired..(xiao caress aether's head then kissed aether on the forehead)

Xiao: goodnight my sweetheart

To be continue>

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