im hurt too

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The next morning

Aether open his eyes and saw xiao staring at him

Aether: why so early?

Xiao: morning love.. im just staring at someone that i love, can't i?

Aether: yes yes you cann and morning too, my love~

Xiao then kissed aether on the lips as their routine every morning

Xiao: so today you want to go to tatarasuna island right? I heard that island is very dangerous, with so much electrical....are you want to go there?

Aether: *sigh* whatever it is, i still need to go there..or else my journal will not complete..

Xiao: i'll go with you then

Aether: isn't that's your purpose to come here huh? (Aether show an irritating face)

Xiao: of course to take care of my love (xiao kissed aether's cheek)

Aether: *chuckled* so sweet~

Aether: now wake up, we need to get ready, in a few hours thoma will arrive

Xiao: why it must be him?

Aether: are you forgot? I've told you yesterday that he is my guide during im it must be him who brought us to tatarasuna

Xiao: ughh fineee

Aether: what with that long face?

Xiao: nothing.


After a few hours, thoma has arrived. Then the three of them started their journey to tatarasuna island

(They arrived at tatarasuna)

Xiao: ughh this place is sick..

Aether: it seem really be honest i feel a bit scared..

Xiao: no worries, im here (xiao wrap aether's waist with his left arm)

Aether: please be my hero~

Thoma just ignore both of them, having their sweet time. He knows that he will lose toward xiao because both aether and xiao shared a same feelings

Thoma: so aether, what we just need to do is to go inside and take a photo of that floating thing, but the electricity in here are very high, so what we need is to summon this electrogranum to make a shield, do you understand?

Aether: yessirr

Xiao: be careful and always stay by my side okay?

Aether: okayy

They started to go inside (that place that we need to do tatara tales quest)


They successfully took a picture of that floating thing and quickly go out from there

Aether: huhhh we did it!

Xiao: what a pain in the ass, those electricity is no joke, are you hurt aether?? Are you okay?

Aether: not a scratch xiao, how about you?

Xiao: not at all

Aether: good to hear.. how about you thoma? Are hurt anywhere?

Thoma: h-hah?? N-not really..haha im fine

Aether: hey i know you were lying, give me your hand now

Thoma: n-no really im finee

Aether took thoma hand and saw a cuts on his hand

Aether: *sigh* you say this is fine?

Thoma: fine, i can take care of it by myself..

Aether: noo i bought a bandage with me, let me treat you

Thoma's mind: i need to move on..he already has someone that he love..and what makes it more terrifying is that his boyfriend keeps staring at me with those deadly glare!!...ughh god please save me!

Aether: okay be careful okay (aether smile)

Thoma can feel those deadly aura from xiao

Thoma: o-okay thank you a-aether haha i'll be careful from now on

Aether: good

Xiao: aether... im hurt too..

Aether: what!!?? Where?? How could you say that you were not hurt a moment ago?

Xiao: i don't want to worry you..

Aether: *sigh* if you not telling me, i will be more worried you know?

Xiao: sorry...

Aether: now show me where you hurt?

Xiao: i-i think it hurt it was no mark on my body..

Aether: huhh??!! Where? Is your hand are broken? Or your stomach being hit by a rock or something??!

Xiao: i don't know (xiao put his head on aether's shoulder) but it's hurt

Aether: can you walk?

Xiao: yes i can..but i think..if i get a kiss from you...i will be better..since im an adepti..right?

Aether: what's the connection between a kiss and your recovery? (Aether asked with an annoying tuned)

Xiao: it improves my mental you know..if im happy, then my ache will gone for give me a kiss

Aether: thoma is here

Xiao: so?

Aether: it's our private things, how could we do it infront of others?

Xiao: did you forget?

Aether: what?

Xiao: we kissed infront of everyone in liyue, that time that you want to go to inazuma..

Aether's face turned red

Aether: y-yess you were right (aether cover his face with his left hand)

Xiao: then it won't be a problem right?

Thoma: u-um..actually i can hear both of you..i can go to somewhere else to give both of you some space okay, after you done, you can fine me under that three over there, have fun..

Aether: aaaaa t-thoma that's not what you think..i-i can explainn

Thoma: no need.. i understand

Xiao: let him be, now give me my kiss

Aether: *sigh* you were lucky that i love you so much that i can't resist you with your ridiculous demand

Xiao: i love you too aether~♡

Aether then kissed xiao on his lips, and xiao started his moved on aether's mouth. They both kissing for a while, after 15 minutes they were done with their kissing moments

Aether: you really can't stop whenever we started kissing

Xiao: i can't help, you taste so delicious , i can't get enough

Aether: nghh stop it.. n-now we should go find thoma and continue our journey to the next island (aether's face is red)

Xiao: okay okay

They both walk toward that three that thoma has mention before

Aether: thoma s-sorry to keep you waiting (aether can't hide his red face, he's so embarrassed)

Thoma: it's fine, don't worry

Thoma's mind: (i feel a bit jealous about them..but what can i do, I'm just an outsider, they both already a lover that i can't disturb any longer)

Thoma: so.. are you ready to go to yashiori island next?

Aether: yes im ready, xiao are you okay if we started our journey now?

Xiao: yes im okay..

Aether: okay then let's goo

To be continue>

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