New Girl: Chapter 1

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Hello! Kinda essited or wtv😏

*Casey's POV*

My phone buzzed from the passengers seat as I parked my car in the schools parking lot.

I sighed as my monster was now empty. Picking up my phone I saw it was my best friend, Zaidee.



yo where the fuck are you?

Im outside give me a min


ya voy im coming🙄

mhm mas te vale
(You better)

I shut my phone off before getting out and heading to the library. Once I was walking up the steps I remembered I forgot my back pack so I went back and got it.

When I finally made it to the library I was bombarded with questions by the one and only. "Listen, I don't know." I grabbed my best friends shoulders making her shut up.

Finally. "Jesus, stop asking questions." I chuckled. "What was so urgent though?" I questioned her weird behavior.

"Oh-uh nothing I just wanted to see you." She stammered with a shy smile. "Anywhooo I got you a monster." She handed it to me.

"Thanks." I took it with a grin, opening it and taking a sip immediately. "I know you missed me." I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Ew, don't touch me. That's kinda gay." She moved away from me. "Man, shut up. You're literally the second gayest person I know." I rolled my eyes.

She waved me off before taking the drink from my hands and drinking some. I sucked my teeth but stayed quiet.

"We're gonna be late to class." She 'checked her watch'. "Since when do you give a fuck." I asked.

"I'm just saying, dude." She raised her hands in surrender. "Give me my shit back." I snatched my drink.

"I got it for you." She crossed her arms making her boobies pop out even more. "Yeah key word for me." I took a sip.

"Ok, let's go I'm bored." I said. "Wow, I'm right here bitch." Zaidee said with an offended look.

"Exactly." I shrugged and opened the door for her. We walked down the hallways to our first period.

We accidentally have all the same classes. Oops. "Hi miss teacher." Zai greeted the teacher with a grin.

"Hi Ms.Robinson." I said, putting my back pack on the floor and sitting down. Zaidee sat on my lap with a huff.

"Where's the monster?" She asked. "Gone." I responded as I scrolled on my phone. "You didn't save me another sip." She pouted like a child.

"Calm down I'll buy you something later." I tapped her thigh with a smile. "Yo." The teacher called for our attention.

"What's up?" I looked away from the girl on my lap and at her. "There's this new girl on my roster and I trust you guys to make her feel safe and welcomed." She told us.

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