Here We Go Again: Chapter 26

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Hey loves🫶🏼

October 2020

*Billie's POV*

"What?" I asked. I'm not sure what I was expecting her to answer but it definitely wasn't that.

"As in, ex girlfriend Casey?" I raised my eyebrows, now sitting a few inches away from her.

"Yeah." I can't make out her tone. For the first time ever, I don't know what she's thinking, but I really wanna know.

"Why are you texting her?" I laughed lightly, essentially trying to not sound mad but I think it came out in a crazy way.

"It's nothing bad, baby. I promise." She pleads. "Then why did you keep it a secret?" I raised my voice.

"It slipped my mind." Was what she said. I scoffed.

"Don't be mad. She was my best friend before anything." She followed up in a softer tone.

And I hate that she's kinda right. I'm allowed to be hurt though. Casey and I haven't spoken in a while.

I know our friendship was nowhere near as long but still. "Doesn't explain why you kept it from me." I tried so hard to keep my tears away.

"Would it make you feel better if I showed you our conversations?" She caressed my cheek with her hand, forcing me to look at her.

After I nodded, she pulled me close and showed me everything. I softly cried and my mind raced. A million thoughts running through my head.

This isn't fair. I can't tell her that though, I'm sure she knows. "We're not giving up." Her voice cut me out of my trance.

"I miss her." My voice was quiet, too quiet I thought she didn't hear me, but she did.

"I do too, baby. We'll get her back. I know we will." Zaidee reassured me. For a second, I believed her.

But like the over thinker I am, I'm not sure we will. What I do know, is that I'd do anything for us to go back to how it was.

I grabbed Benny, tucking him under my arm and laying on top of Zaidee again. Last thing I heard was an 'I love you.'

*Caaey's POV*

Therapy. My favorite place in the whole world. Notice the sarcasm.

I sluggishly walked into the building for yet another appointment. It's not the worst, but it's not the best.

Going to therapy has helped me in many ways, which is surprising because I never thought I'd be in this situation.

I find it sort of ironic. I shouldn't but I do. My mental health is better and I feel a bit better than I did right after mom died.

My therapist. She's nice, I like her. She's in her late 30's. She's kind...and her personality made it easy for me to open up.

Today, I told her about my texts with Zaidee and how happy I was to be talking to her again.

"What about Billie?" She asks, after a few moments of silence because I was staring at her clock.

I shrug, mainly to find the right words. "I feel bad. I know she feels some kind of betrayal...if she knows."

I'll make it right though. I promise I will. After therapy I went to my mothers grave. Just a little visit before I went back home.

You know when you're driving on auto-pilot and figure how the fuck you didn't die?

I entered my house and was greeted by Nat and Moon. He's getting big. I give him a few pats before Natalia starts telling me all about her day.

"I have a play date with Hannah next week." Nat informed, matter of factly.

"Really?" "Mhm, she gonna share all her toys with me." She said fondly.

"And what are you gonna share with her?" I asked. "Hmm..." Nat tapped her pointer finger on her chin a few times as she thought. "Nothing." She shrugged.

I laughed, but said nothing. "Mama..." "What's up?" "You think we could see Bil and Z soon?" Nat asked once again.

It's been a common question for the last few days. Unlike the rest, this time I agreed.

A meet up wouldn't hurt anybody. Right?


A few days later I texted both of them. They immediately agreed, which made me extremely happy.

We agreed to meet at a coffee shop on saturday. Now we just have to hope nothing goes wrong. Should be easy.

Eventually the day came and Nat was bouncing off the fucking walls.

I was trying to help her tie her shoes but she kept moving on purpose.

"We're gonna be late." I groaned. "You don't wanna be late to seeing Billie and Zaidee do you?" She shook her head and we finally finished getting ready.

The drive was pretty quick, mainly because I zoned out.

When we got to the shop, there was only an old couple sitting at a booth.

I debated on ordering for all of us or not. Fuck it. After I ordered, Nat and I sat down a boot in the back. It's not hard to see it just gives us a little more privacy.

A few minutes later they walked in.

Here goes nothing...

Cliffhanger😧dun dun duuuuun

Thanks for reading
I love y'all so much mane😪🫶🏼

*forehead kiss* 😚

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