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A/n: Here's some fluff/lemon (I think, I'm not the best at fanfic terms yet)

Wilford nervously tugged at the collar of his shirt. Today was the day that he was going to ask Dark out. He walks over to Dark, 'I can do this! I can do thi-' He zoned out in thought and accidentally bumped into the edgy man in the kitchen.

Wil's face instantly heats up bright pink, "Uh, Wilford. Are you okay?" 'Fuck, why is he hot!?'  Wilford grabs his neck awkwardly, "Yeah, yeah. Just a little hot it all." Dark grabbed Wilford's shoulder with a comforting smile, "I know something's gotta be messing with you, Wil." Wilford looks away, "Thanks for the offer, but... I can't."

Dark knew what was wrong, but he didn't want to push to much, "Wilford." They make eye contact as Dark sighs. "...I know." Wilford's face heat up a little, "K-Know what?" "This."

Dark grabs Wilford by the collar and roughly presses there lips together. Wilford was confused, but quickly realized what was happening. Melting in Dark's kiss, Wilford eagerly kisses back.

They slowly part there lips needing air. Dark smirks, "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Wilford lets out a soft chuckle, "I guess not."

A/n: Sorry it was short! Buuuut If you anyone wants me to make a part 2 leading to Smut, I will

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