Chapter 61: Broken

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"She doesn't wanna see you mate!"

"Move out of the FUCKING way Razzle and let me see my fucking wife!"

"Do you honestly think she's still gonna be your wife after this!? She wouldn't be lying in that bed right now if it weren't for fucking you so why don't you just fuck off home and let me pick up the pieces of your mess. Let her grieve."

I sharply inhaled and my eyes shot open. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed the haziness out of my eyes. My body was so stiff and sore.

I looked over and saw Razzle guarding the door. His elbow rested against the door frame and he kept the door close to his chest.

"You think you've got it all worked out, huh? You were just waiting for me to screw up so you could swoop straight in and be her knight in shining armour but it's not gonna work. Liv and I have something deeper than you will ever understand so move the fuck out of the way before I fucking move you"

My chest ached as I heard Nikki's voice but my body filled with dread and anxiety as I could hear the two of them going back and forth. Tensions were high but the last thing I wanted was any kind of drama.

I'd been in this bed for 3 days now. I'd banned all contact with everyone except Razzle and my dad. I didn't even want Sharon anywhere near me.

"Fucking move me then" Razzle yelled.

"Razz..." I called out, but my throat was dry and sore from screaming.

I could see the two of them standing toe to toe.

"Razz!" I yelled a little louder.

He instantly turned around and slammed the door in Nikki's face. He paced towards my bedside and started stroking my hair as he passed me a cup of water.

"It's alright, I've told him to leave you alone" he said as he gazed into my eyes.

I downed the cup and wiped my lips dry with the side of my wrist. I could hear Nikki yelling at someone from out in the hall.

"It's alright. Let him in" I said.

"What!? Are you mad!? Liv, he's the fucking reason you're in here"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I looked back up at him and raised my eyebrow, shooting him a look so cold he wouldn't argue with me.

I'd kept Nikki in the cold long enough. He was grieving too and I needed him.

He tutted and rolled his eyes. I heard him groan in frustration as he stormed towards the door.

He threw it open. "Oi" he said. He whistled and nodded his head backwards.

I watched the two exchange a look as they passed each other in the doorway.

Razzle continued walking out of the room and Nikki closed the door behind him. Part of me expected him to slam it just to try and piss Razzle off but he didn't.

The tensions left the room immediately but the atmosphere was still heavy, intense and sad. He still hadn't looked at me or anywhere in my direction.

He hesitated and slowly turned around. He lifted his head and looked up at me.

I immediately noticed how red and tired his eyes looked. The sadness and grief had completely consumed him and it showed.

"Nikki..." I whispered.

His eyes softened at the sound of my voice as he walked over to me.

His arm was in a sling and his hair was flat and soft.

Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now