Chapter 8: Ex's and Oh's

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"...and then that's when he told me he was a Sagittarius..." I said as I applied my lipstick in my mirror.

"Oh my god! You know, that totally makes sense! But... aren't Leo and Sagittarius like... a perfect match!?"  Ashley smirked as she sat on my bed drinking a glass of vodka and cranberry.

"Apparently so" I shrugged as I tried to hide my smile.

"You're my best friend and I'm always gonna tell you the way I see it but I think you should give him a chance. I mean, I know he has a bad reputation and everything but even Vince said he's never seen him like this before... maybe he's turning over a new leaf" she shrugged.

"He's a rockstar, I seriously doubt it" I smirked.

I heard her groan and I couldn't deal with one of her lectures so I quickly changed my tune.

"But I guess if it's meant to happen, then it'll happen" I said as I stood up and put my make up away.

"Just try not to give him a hard time, it's new for him too, he's gonna make mistakes but we can all see he's really trying" Ashley said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"If he works hard for me then at least I know he'll want to actually stay around" I shrugged.

"What kind of insecure bull...Don't you think you've already put him through enough? I mean if I was him, I would've been out by now" she sighed.

"Okay! Okay! Fine... I'll play nice" I huffed as I picked up my handbag.

"Good! Where is he taking you anyway?" She asked.

"I have no idea... he just said he had to do that show at the Troubadour first and then he was taking me out afterwards" I said as I smoothed out my outfit.

"That's so cute! It's like the two loves of his life, together at once" Ashley said as she tried to look angelic.

"Oh my god! Shut up" I scoffed as I looked at her in disgust and threw my hair scrunchie at her.

We downed our drinks and headed over to the Troubadour. I was sitting at the bar with Ashley, making my way through a cosmopolitan when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and someone kiss me cheek. I turned around and saw Nikki smiling at me.

"You made it!" He giggled.

"Well yeah... I mean it's meant to be a date isn't it?" I asked.

I felt Ashley kick me. I looked at her and caught her glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Nikki.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about all this, we literally never have a night off anymore. I promise it'll be worth it though" he said. He had this huge smile and I just wanted to squish his cheeks together and kiss him!

"It better had be! She hasn't wasted a full face of MAC make up for nothing!" Ashley joked.

"Am I meant to know what that means?" he asked as he looked at me blankly.

I laughed at how innocent he looked but then Tommy came bounding over.

"Sixx! Come on man, we gotta get ready!" Tommy said as he slapped his back.

"Oh! Hey! Didn't see you girls here... Nikki totally hasn't been talking about your date all day" Tommy smirked.

Nikki rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Thanks dude!" He sighed as he shook his head.

"What!?" Tommy asked with his arms out and a dumb look across his face.

"I'm gonna go but I'll see you soon" Nikki said as he pecked my lips and gave me a cuddle.

"Make sure she's still somewhat sober by the time I'm done" he smirked as he looked at Ashley.

Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now