chapter 7

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*Florence pov*

It's been a week since the first task. Everything has been normal. Classes were the same as usual. Though almost every other day Harry is being interviewed by Rita skita, shes quite  annoying if you ask me. Most of the time she's just insulting him, or reminding him about his parents.

I got so close to punching her in the face after she made a comment about me and harry hanging out. That's all we were doing was hanging out outside sitting on a tree. Though I'm glad that the next task isn't untill after Christmas. Gives harry some time to relax and figure out what the egg means.

We've been trying to figure it out for the past week and all it did was scream really loud. It's quite frustrating.

Anyway I woke up today and got ready. I put on my robes and braided my hair which I never really do but I wanted to try it out. I usually don't put my hair up I like it covering my neck. I'm very insecure about it. I don't know why I've always been ever since I was little. Probably because a mean kid in my school called it fat. I guess it always stuck with me.

Hermione had been up for hours studying like she always does. "Morning mione" "morning" was all she said. She was so focused on her work, as always. She also hated being interrupted when studying. It was quite cute.

After about an hour me and hermione left for the great hall. We sat down and not soon after harry and ron came in and sat down, still half asleep. "Morning" I said and all I got was a grunt in return. These boys were always tired no matter what. I started to put food in my plate when mail came. Just then my family owl came swooping in with mail in his beak.

"Hello Nicodemus" I said as I patted him on the head. Nicodemus had been in our family since I was a little girl. He was old but a great owl. Unlike ron's who could barley see 2 feet in front of him. I picked the letter from his beak but what I didn't see was Collin come up from behind me.
"Geez Collin don't scare me like that" "sorry Florence" he said shyly as his cheeks started to turn a shade of red.

"I have a package for Mr.weasly" "well what you doing over there" ron snapped. Collin rushed to Ron's side and Hermione gave him a look of disgust. Just as Collin gave him the package he stared at harry oddly.
"Not now collin" said ron and with that he left. We all stared at ron waiting for him to explain. "I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph". I started to laugh, harry started to join and then ron. The only person that didn't find it funny was hermione.
"Your all so immature" that just made us laugh even more.

While Ron was opening his box I started to open my letter. It was from my parents. I didn't get to read it because Ron started to talk. "Look mum sent me something". He opened the box and pulled out the most hideous dress I've ever seen. At least I think it was a dress. "Mum sent me a dress" "well it does match your eyes, does it have Bonet ah ha" "nose down Harry". Ron then walked over to ginny. "Ginny these must be for you" "I'm not wearing that is gassy". Hermione and i started to laugh. "what are you two laughing about?" "their not for ginny, their for you" i said when george and fred burst out laughing causing people people to turn and stare.

"dress robes" hermione added on. "dress robes for what?". After breakfast we all went to our first class and then the next two. After that we went to lunch and then we went to the dance room like professor McGonagall told us to.  On our way there we passed cedric and his friends. They had just came from the dance room with professor Sprout. Cedric must have saw me because he waved me down trying to talk to me. I haven't talked to him since the first task. I was going to try harder to stay away from him as much as possible. He made me feel things i had never felt before and i didn't like it. 

"Hey Jones wait up" "sorry I have to go or I'll be late". He looked disappointed and just mumbled a ok. I felt bad but I couldn't have those feelings I just couldn't.

As we entered the room there were 3 rows of chairs on 2 sides of the room.
"Girls on the left side, boys on the right" said professor McGonagall. Me and Hermione split from the boys and went to sit down. There weren't many people there so we got front row seats. "so what was that with Cedric diggory?" Hermione asked with a tinge of flirt in her voice. "What, nothing" "didn't seem like nothing, he was pretty keen on talking to you".
I adjusted myself, this was already uncomfortable. "He won't leave me alone that's all" "sure flo, sure".

I rolled my eyes and that's when everyone started to fill in. About 5 minutes later professor McGonagall started to speak. "The yule ball is a tradition being passed on for years. Now I will not have you ruin that by dancing like a bunch of bumbling bubbling band of baboons". She then went on about how a swan is in every woman. The thing that caught my attention was what ron said.
"Something about to burst out of Eloise midgen but I don't think it's a swan". I was so close to going up and slapping him in the face but professor McGonagall beat me to it. "Mr.weasly why don't you join me to show the class?". Ron gulps and slowly stands up walking over to her.

She starts to explain what you do and when the music plays the start to waltz around the room. I had to hide my face to hide my laughter. I couldn't hold it in when ron stepped on professor McGonagall's foot and got yelled at. Hermione joined in and we both got shushed.

Class ended and we all were still laughing at ron. "I will never forget this" I said as we went to lunch.
"Oh shove off". We were all laughing when we sat down. "Looks like someone's got an admirer" Harry said winking. "What" I turned around to find cedric staring right at me, smiling. "Ooh are you two dating" ron said nudging me in the ribs.
"What no, I don't know what his problem is" "I do, he's in love" sang harry. I hit him in the shoulder.

After we finished eating we went to our classes. The whole time at lunch Cedric was staring at me. It was pretty creepy. After classes were over I was heading to the great hall for dinner when I hit my head on something hard. When I looked up I found his grey eyes staring at me with his perfect pearly white smile. Just then I realized that what I hit was his chest. And my hand was resting on his peck.

I immediately pulled away and backed away. "Woah there Jones, watch where you're going" "sorry" I muttered loud enough for him to hear. "It's alright I like running into you". God he was good, really good.
"Well I have to go my friends are waiting for me" I said trying to get around him. "They can wait a bit"
"Well I don't want to keep them waiting so excuse me". I tried to leave again but his big build stopped me.

"Look diggory I don't want to talk right now so excuse me" I spat. That's when he moved and let me past. I felt bad but he was making crazy with feelings and I was starting to overthink everything.

I went into the great hall and sat down next to harry. "Woah flo are you alright you seem tense?" "I'm fine just annoyed". They didn't push it anymore. After dinner we left to the common room. We said goodnight and went upstairs. I changed into pajamas and snuggled into bed.
"For the record I think he likes you a lot and I think you like him you just don't want to admit it" that was the last thing I heard hermione say before she turned off the light.

Why did she have to say that. Now I was laying in my bed thinking. Why would she think I liked him.

Did I like him...

Author's note:

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's not the best but I had no other ideas.
Tell me if you guys like it and what you want to happen in the next chapter.

P.s. sorry it took so long to update I was busy with school.

Love you guys hope you enjoy.

Pretty boy diggory  ~ C. diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now