chapter 12

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*Florence pov*

It's been a week since the yule ball. I haven't really seen Louis. I've been avoiding him. He's made multiple attempts to talk to me but I always make up a excuse.
Yesterday he tried to talk to me and I told him I had to go feed my cat.
I don't even have a cat.

I feel bad, I shouldn't be avoiding him. I just need to grow up and tell him I don't feel anything towards him.

*Night of the yule ball*

Me and Louis were standing by the punch table as he was laughing with his friends. I was having a good night, my friends were all having an amazing time with there dates.
Well almost.

Ron was being a complete jerk to his date. He was sulking around. I mean he wouldn't even dance with her.
It was quite annoying actually. He can't be mad that Hermione went with someone else when he didn't ask her. Now he was ruining Padma's night.

"Hey it's getting late do you maybe want to get out of here?".
"Yeah sure" he was right it was almost 12pm.
Me and Louis said goodbye to our friends as we left the hall. Hermione and the boys left awhile ago. Ron was being a complete prick and hermione snapped. She was so angry.
I've never seen her so mad, it was scary. Really scary.

Me and Louis were walking to the gryffindor common room.
"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Uh yeah maybe I have a lot of work".
I wasn't completely lying, I did have work. But really I didn't really feel like talking anymore.

"Good night florence" he said as he leaned in. He kissed my cheek and smiled.
"Good night Louis" I said as I walked in the common room.
As soon as I stepped in there was multiple different couple's snogging on the couches.

I rolled my eyes and made my way up the stairs to my dorm. I was so done with tonight. When I opened the door I saw hermione asleep in her bed.
She was curled up with stained pillows. Her makeup smudged.

I walked in the bathroom. Heels in hand as I got a makeup wipe. I walked back over to hermione's bed as I started to take her makeup off.
She stirred in her sleep as I moved the cloth on her face.

Once I got all of it off I threw away the wipe and changed into pajamas.
I then covered myself in blankets.
It was warm. It wasn't till now that I realized how comfortable my bed was and how much I needed to sleep.

That night I slept better than I have in a while.

*Back to present*

I was walking towards the library.
I had just finished my classes for the day and was going to go meet with hermione to study.

Her and ron were back on speaking terms. They didn't really talk about anything, everything just kind of went back to normal.
There was still some tension and me and harry were stuck in the middle.

As I was on my way to the library I felt wrong arms wrap around my waist and pull me into an empty corridor.
I was about to scream when a strong hand covered my mouth.

I looked up to see those stormy gray eyes staring down at my brown ones.
I pushed him off me. He stumbled back.
"What the hell diggory?" I yelled.
"Woah calm down jones" he laughed.
"You just pull someone in a closet"
"Would you rather me pull you in a broom closet" he said with a smile.
"It's not funny"
"It kind of is" he said. He was now laughing.

I rolled my eyes as I went to open the door. But just as I opened the door his hand stopped it and shut it.
I turned around as I crossed my arms against my chest.
"Seriously diggory"
"I have to talk to you" he said.
Smile fading.
"Look I don't have time okay I'm supposed to meet hermione, 10 minutes ago".
"You can't be a little later" he said giving me puppy dog eyes.
"No I can't" I said as I made my way through the door.

I started towards the library when I heard footsteps from behind me.
They were getting closer and closer.
I knew it was him and I didn't want to talk to him anymore.
I started to walk faster when I heard him start walking faster.
Why wouldn't he just leave me alone.
I mean he told me he had something to tell me but he never actually told me. He then went the whole night acting upset about me a Louis dancing.

I mean he was my date after all.
And he went with cho who he dated for almost a year and said how crazy she was.

I had almost made my way to the library when I heard cho.
"Hey cedy" she squealed.
God her voice was annoying. It was so high pitched. It have me a headache.
I turned around to see cho and cedric.
Cho's arms were wrapped around cedric's neck. Cedric was hesitant but then he put his hands around her waist.

What the hell. Since when were they dating. I thought they broke up.
And now they were back together.

"Are you ready to go study?" she asked.
"Yeah let's go" he said with a smile.
But it didn't meet his eyes.
They let go of their hold on each other and started to make their way towards me. I made sure to move before they saw me staring.

When I sat down hermione was there with multiple books piled on the desk.
"Your late, by 20 minutes".
"I know I'm sorry I lost track of time".
She just nodded her head and went back to studying.

It was all going well until they walked in holding hands.
They were both smiling and looked so perfect together.
They went and sat down next to their friends. They sat right next to each other. Cho was basically sitting on his lap. She was so close.

"Flo you are you ok?" Hermione asked sounding generally concerned.
I hadn't realized that I was grabbing my paper so hard that my knuckles turned white.
I immediately let go of the paper.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"What were you looking at?"
"Nothing just got distracted" I lied.

"Flo I'm your best friend, I know when you're lying" she said squinting her eyes as if she was trying to find out a murder.
She was right. Every time I was upset or wasn't feeling good she could tell.
"It's just, I don't know don't you think it's weird that cho and cedric are dating again. I mean didn't he say she was crazy".
"Omg" she said as she started to grin.
"What?" "Your jealous" she said.
"What no, me jealous of who"
"Of cho, your jealous of cho".

Me jealous of Cho Chang I mean why would I ever be jealous of cho.
She was crazy and everyone knew it.
She's been chasing after cedric for years.
"I am not jealous of cho chang"
"You totally are, I mean why else would you care so much"
"Whatever" I got up and made my way towards the exit.

I was not jealous. And I wasn't just going to sit there and have hermione tell me I was.
"Flo wait I didn't mean to".
"It's fine hermione honestly".
"Flo don't be mad please".
"I'm not I'm just tired ok" I made my way to the common room.
I went up to my dorm threw off my shoes and covered myself in blankets and drifted off to sleep.

*Cedric's pov*

I didn't think that would work.
She was jealous. So jealous she stormed out of the library.
Maybe cho's plan wasn't so bad. I just had to keep it up long enough.


Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update I've been really busy.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Tell me what else you would like to see in future chapters.

Also how do you guys feel about cho and cedric fake dating?

1333 words.

Hope you guys liked it.

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