Chapter 69

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Mingde held a white and fat steamed bun in his hand, "I have a bun for breakfast today. Look, isn't it delicious?"

    "Puff, it looks delicious, is this the breakfast that Mingde brought to Brother?" Bai Niannian teased him deliberately.

    Mingde: "This is mine, brother's is still behind."

    Ning Ge'er could actually make steamed buns, and they were fermented well, Bai Niannian reached out and poked it, which was as soft as imagined.

    Drinking porridge every day for breakfast is a bit tired, maybe their menu can be changed?

    "Brother Nian, your breakfast is here." Before Ning's foot stepped into the door, he heard his voice.

    "Unexpectedly, you would still make steamed buns. I didn't eat corn souto. Let's make one another day!" Bai Nian asked with an inch.

    "You love to eat it yourself.".Brother Ning was not used to him.

    "Forget it then, wait until you have time." Bai Niannian picked up a steamed bun and took a bite. It would be even more delicious with a cup of sweet soy milk.

    When Bai Niannian finished her breakfast, the chestnuts boiled in the pot were also cooked.

    He and Ning Geer worked together to pour them into the cold water, expand and contract with heat, which makes it easier to peel.

    Then the four of them started to work together. The three little guys ran around the house chasing the puppies. Now their little friends are all picking chestnuts on the mountain. No one plays with them, they just Can play with for nothing at home.

    Take a break when you are tired from practicing calligraphy and play for nothing.

.The four of them worked very fast. It didn’t take long to peel a bunch of chestnuts. The rest was left to Li Zefu. The two of them began to close the kitchen door and make snacks inside. Carry out the cooked ones from the pot and peel them off, and then take the peeled ones and continue to work.

    With two more people, their speed has obviously increased a lot. What they can usually make in one morning, now it only takes half of the morning to make them.

    "Brother Nian, we are back."

    "Why are you back so soon?" According to normal time, aren't they still selling dim sum in the town at this time? ?

    Could something have happened? !

    Bai Niannian thought worriedly while walking outside.

    "A family in the town asked us to order 500 catties of dim sum." .Chen Mingren said happily, "Five hundred catties, we don't need to go to town for these two days, let's get rid of these five hundred catties of dim sum first!"

    "The dim sum on our bullock cart is all rounded up by him."

    "What does he want so many snacks for?" Bai Niannian asked curiously.

    "I don't know, but he gave us half of the deposit. Even if they don't want it, we can sell it to the town, and we won't lose money."


    "Then you two are busy in the kitchen! Brother Ning and I peel chestnuts with them."

    "Okay, no problem." Chen Mingren washed his hands and walked into the kitchen with Shen Wei.

    Four people came together, but the speed of the two men was barely able to keep up. The result was that the cooked chestnut could not keep up.

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