The Nightmare

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I was shaken awake. It must've been a nightmare because I was shaking. Cammi was still sleeping.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Sorry, I-"

"Stay calm. Just tell me what happened."

"You will die like the other jedi!"

"I will die vigilantly." I said.

"You will die a fool! You will die a traitor!"

"Who are you?"

"I am the Fourth Sister... I was the padawan of.... your friend... yes..." she said thoughtfully.

"That padawan died long before!" I protested.

"And he thought I was dead, that bastard." she snarled.

"No- no-"

"So I'll kill you AND Master Darro!" she threw her lightsaber at me and-

"The Fourth Sister is..." I paused and looked at him.

"Your old padawan."

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