Chapter 19

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Me and Samuel were shocked. That day, after school, we jotted ways to get Vanessa really embarrassed. To tell her she went too far.

Finally, we came up with a perfect idea. So basically, we are writing a fake love-letter from her, like, BIGGEST "fan" on facebook. She definitely knows about him since he spams like, all Facebook (it feels like) saying he loves her. And we bet Vanessa would date him since she hates being single... And his selfies on his account are from his six pack and damn, he's hot. So... Yeah.

"Okay. I write, and you tell me what to write. In not good at writing love letters. My hand writing is pretty decent, though. So tell me what to write, and I'll write." Samuel said.

"Okay. So. 'Dear Vanessa.' Wait, no. 'Dearest Vanessa.'" I began. Samuel wrilote it down. But damn, I was surprised by his handwriting. It was better than mine! "'I wrote this letter to confess my love to you. You are an amazing woman. You are the most beautiful girl in the world.'"

"Slow down I can't write so fast."

"Sorry." I said and continued. I thought the letter turned out a little too cheasy but it would be okay. At the end we wrote "meet me after school..." and signed it with his username. I got an envelope and put the letter in. I closed the envelope with a heart sticker and Samuel wrote Vanessa on it and we were ready to put it in her locker eye next day.


I woke up super early. We walked to school and directly put the letter into Vanessa's locker. We quickly told Andrew- who was the most disgusting teenage boy in the whole school and has a huge crush on Vanessa- that we were going to give him the best opportunity to kiss Vanessa.


Me and Samuel were overexcited. We saw Vanessa leave to the back of the school. Andrew was the one she'd see... Not the hot Facebook account. We quickly got out my camera and followed her secretly. I couldn't believe what I saw. ANDREW WAS LITERALLY ON HER!!! OMG I did NOT expect it to be like... well... THAT! Spit was all over Vanessa's face... Andrew's spit... EWEWWWW!! I took like a million pictures.

After school, me and Samuel picked out the best pictures and printed. we labeled them: where's our hot chick? These posters would definitely look good on the walls in schools... And maybe even outside school?

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