Chapter 15

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Where I stay

"Umm... dad?" I said. I was mad. All this time I've been waiting to get home but it turned out I didn't have a home anymore. How was I going to pay the bills anyways? I should have thought realistically all this time.


"I-I-I don't have keys..." he just sighed. "I-I-I can ex-"

"Don't worry." he interrupted. "Your mother gave me extra keys in case of emergencies like these." I was mad again. Why give keys for emergencies when they wouldn't be fine when he'd come because I wouldn't know who he was?

"Okay. Wait. Mom gave you keys without telling me who you are?"

"Ye- hold on a second. She didn't tell you I existed? W-why?!"

"I don't know, dad." tears filled my eyes again. "She just told me you died when she was pregnant. I never knew about Mia either... Until she came on my birthday... And then mom died... On my birthday." Dad swung his arms around me, and I felt his tears soak my t-shirt. And I soaked his shirt.

When we got into the house, Samuel went back to his house. Me and dad sat by the kitchen table to discuss.

"Okay, Noel. we have a little bit of a situation here." dad said.

"And that is...?"

"Where are you going to stay? Either you come and live with me, or I move into here... and I would prefer you to come because getting rid of the stuff in my house would be... though. so what do you think?"

"But... Samuel. What about him?"

"You're going to have to leave him."

"NO! I can NOT leave him! Never! Not even in the worst nightmare! I.can.not.leave.him!"

"Okay, okay! How are we going to clear my house?"

"I'll help. And I'm sure Samuel and Mia can too."

"Okay. go ahead and ask Samuel. Mia's coming for sure."

Knock, knock! I knocked on Samuel's door. it squeaks open and there stood Samuel.

"Hey Samuel!"

"Hey! What's up?"

"Umm... this is dumb to ask, but... do you want to help clear my dad's house? It's not that close though..."

"I'll ask. DAD!!!!!"

Samuel's dad came downstairs and Samuel told him what's up. Believe me, he begged!

"Fine. But 3 days MAXIMUM!" His dad finally said. YAY!

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