final chapter/conclusion

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Murdoc attended his father's funeral. He didn't enjoy seeing his dad in a coffin and knowing he needed to tell him some things. He found out Hannibal started a family and had a box of things to give him, containing letters sent back and forth between his parents, toys and blankets and a single locket holding pictures of his blood family together.

Noodle met with Ace Couplar via the boy's permission, they are dating and thinking of starting a family of thier own. Russel and them are closer than ever.

Stuart gained some vision back. He can see silvers of things and usually needs help but his sight is slowly coming back. The final cause of it going out was hemorrhaging in his brain and leading to a blood clot.

He and Murdoc got married. They found out about the clot and Stuart decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the only person he ever loved. Murdoc has been sober for three years now and going strong.

Q&A perhaps?

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