2)stormy days

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The rain continued through the day. Leaving a the house bleak and stolid.

Everyone clumped around the house, bored from being cooped up. 2d tried to write more music but tore and crumbled up paper after paper.

Noodle and Russell stayed downstairs watching endless movies and eating.

Murdoc, well he did what he usually did. 2d could hear the dingy strums of the bass and some song playing lowly from the room across from him. Last night replayed in 2d's mind like a tape on repeat. Why was Murdoc so upset? He just spilled water. He shook his head he was just a stupid bloke. Murdoc didn't give a damn about him. He threw the notepad to the floor and began to whistle nonsense tunes tapping his foot in frustration.

Murdoc entered without a knock and grunted. "What are you working on?" He watched 2d freeze and slowly turn around as if he was afraid of getting hit. "Uhmm nothin, I-I, ah-"
"Let me see." He grabbed the notepad and scanned over the paper, grabbed the pencil out of 2d's hand circled some things added a few notes. "Those are good, finish what you're doing then come see me." He handed it back and ruffled 2d's hair. "Good job."
Good job. 2d sat in front of the lyrics dumbfounded.

He never went into context of 2d's lyrics, afraid they'd be about him. He just read them picked what he liked, fixed it up and play that.
He exited 2ds room and entered his own cluttered room and made some space to set up the instruments and make the music a bit more tangent. 2d entered the room shortly after, nervously twiddling his fingers. "Get in here and stop being a damn baby." Murdoc growled. 2d's brow pinched. He thought Murdoc was being nice for once.

Noodle could hear yelling and some chords playing then to be stopped by more yelling and then a loud thud. She and Russell looked at each other. Fighting or..?

They both got up and went up the stairs. Murdoc was agitated but not angry, the one angry was 2d.

"What do you mean it's too soft?! Ya bloke it's not about you. None of its about you!"
"What about 5/4? That had nothing to do with me?" Murdoc snapped back, hands planted on his hips.
2d's face turned red. He clenched his fists recalling the lyrics and the memory it was based around. "N-no."
"Liar." Murdoc accused, a smirk teasing at his lips. 2d saw red and anger bubbled in his chest hit him hit him began to play as a mantra.
2d swung. Noodle burst in as his fist pounded on Murdoc's chest, all of them sharing shocked faces.

Murdoc was the first to react, he shoved 2d back with a sneer. "Told ya."
2d trembled with either anger or fear, he couldn't tell which. He stormed over, ripped the notepad from Murdoc and ran to his room. Noodle met Murdoc's eyes seething in anger while his looked cool and collected.
"What happened?"

"Little shit hates me, I read some if his music and I confronted him on it."

"Leave him alone. You've already put him through too much. How is he supposed to know what to feel when you go from being mean to nice? He doesn't know if you like him or not or if he just a waste of space. You're a real asshole." She turned and left to 2d's room to attempt to talk to him.
The door remained locked and the room soundless.

2d didn't leave the room until 10 at night. His eyes were puffy and red from crying, his stomach ached from not eating all day and the room's heating had just shut off leaving goose bumps all over his arms. He picked himself along the house not wanting to talk to anyone and approached the kitchen, right into Murdoc's face.

He scowled and backed up turning to leave. A hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him. He met Murdoc's eyes.
"Stuart, was it about me yes or no?"
2d glared but felt nothing.  He shouldn't have to answer that. He watched Murdoc's eyebrows knit together and anger flare in his eyes.
Suddenly his cheek stung and his head reeled. "Answer me dammit! "
Tears welled in his eyes from the pain and began to tug his arm away but the older man kept an iron grip.

He was thrown to the floor and the man loomed over him. "Either we do this the easy way or the hard way. I'll get it out whichever you choose."

He was lifted by the crook of his arm and was being dragged, he scrambled to get away but everytime his foot touched the ground solidly he got a blow to the head. "I'm not going to stop until you answer until then you'll be punished."
" how am I 'pposed to when yew keep hittin meh?! Meh bloody head hurts and yew arh makin it worse!" 2d yelled thickly in his cockeny accent. The blows stopped abruptly leaving 2d in shock. He blinked, his eyes fuzzy and his head dizzy.

"Ok Dentz. Sit and tell." 2d hesitantly rose to his feet an crossed to the eazy boy chair furthest from the sagging couch. Murdoc sat on the left arm and looked at him intently waiting for him to talk.

2d shifted uncomfortably under the man's intense gaze. "Broken 2d, what's it about?"
He twisted his fingers and looked away. "Yew Mudz  its yew. I'm sorreh I couldn't say it." He swallowed hard, his feet felt light in case he needed to run but to his surprise Murdoc just sighed.

He grunted leaned over took out a whiskey bottle and took a long drink. "So what about 'our love' as you call it, why is it broken?" He asked when he pulled the bottle from his lips and looked at the singer ludicrously.
"I-its not necessarily about l-love. Or o-ours exactly." 2d rambled quickly to avoid being caught in his lie. He didn't really meet people, nor get to know them long enough to 'love' them per se. So who did he love? He was over that bitch Paula.
"Listen here faceache you wrote love and said and word for word, our love its broken. Distant stars come in black or red. I've seen thier worlds inside my head. Now to me that sounds like a certain someone that you've grown from but they still show up." Murdoc scowled. He didn't want to admit that he was jealous.

"C-can we talk about this some other time p-please? I don't wanna fink about dis right now." 2d whimpered, adverting his gaze.

"No. Stuart, I don't care about the lyrics specifically but I do care about your little fit. What the fuck was that about? It's my band I choose what happens!" Murdoc was yelling in 2d's face who stared at him vacantly without emotion until Murdoc's hand met his face full force.

He curled his fingers into the cloth, tears streaming down his face as a bruise began to form, he tore himself from the chair and ran up the stairs.

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