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One more block and Sincere would finally be approaching her new townhome, it was three bedroom, very cozy, and Sincere couldn't wait to give it life to make her feel at home

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One more block and Sincere would finally be approaching her new townhome, it was three bedroom, very cozy, and Sincere couldn't wait to give it life to make her feel at home. Her butt was hurting badly, she had to use the bathroom, and she couldn't wait to get her hands on a real meal.

"Yes! Thank God. I need to get out of this car." She said to herself when she spotted her destination. Eights hours on the road driving by yourself is not something she could do again. It was either a plane or she was staying her ass in Cincinnati.

"Are we there yet mom? My butt really hurts." Nico groaned softly. He had tried to stay up the whole eight hours so his mom wouldn't get lonely, but he was only eleven.

"Yes baby, it's right here." Sincere replied, glancing at him in the mirror. He rubbed his eyes and looked around at the neighborhood then he spotted his mom smiling at him, Nico smiled back and blew her a kiss. Sincere pulled into her designated parking spot outside their home and rushed to turn off the car. She softly pulled Jade out of her slumber and gathered the bags they had in her arms before making her way to the new home.

Just three days ago her mom asked if some of Sincere's cousins could go to Ohio and set up a few things so that Sincere didn't have to take a Uhaul. They jumped at the opportunity knowing her situation and because Eliza had promised them a cash prize and her delicious key lime pie, they couldn't say no. Thankfully Sincere didn't have to worry about getting furniture because they were already there. Now she just wanted to lay down.

Nico and Jade busied themselves by looking around their new home excitedly talking about how they were going to decorate while Sincere looked for the nearest restaurant for take out. With no groceries and a very tired mind and body, she was not getting that home cooked meal.

"What are we thinking for food? Pizza? Barbeque? I heard they love chili here, should we find a good chili spot?"

"I want a big slimy cheesy pizza." Nico said, rubbing his belly.

"I want pizza too mommy, but I don't want it slimy." Jade grimaced, "Who would eat a slimy pizza Neeks? Do you want to get food poisoning?" She eyed her brother weirdly.

"A big not slimy cheesy pizza it is then."

After ordering and eating the food, Sincere decided that she would call it a night. It was only seven thirty, but that driving tired her out and her mind was going crazy with thoughts about how her life is changing. She set up netflix on the TV in the sitting area for her babies, made sure every door and window were locked then retired upstairs.

Sincere laid in her dark room on her back staring at nothing on the ceiling. She thought about how her mom was coping with her being so far away. They had plenty of family in North Carolina, but with Sincere and her kids gone it was just her from their immediate family. Eliza had been alone in her home for eight years after losing Sincere's father Dominic to a brain aneurysm. Everyday she missed her father, she could only imagine how her mother feels everyday not having her best friend and guide on earth with her.

She thought about her kids. Nico was smart, he was shy, and he didn't talk much however, Jade was loud, full of energy, and had no filter at all. Nico was his mother's embodiment while Jade was her grandmother's. She wondered how they really felt about moving. She knew Jade probably couldn't care less, but Nico, she worried about him. Deep down she knew Nico knew the reason for the move wasn't a change of scenery like she'd told him. He witnessed the reason for the move, he was related to the reason. Nico would never verbally address the few moments he actually saw his dad hit his mom, but whenever he had a feeling that something was wrong or when he saw her discreetly wipe away her tears, he latched onto her side like a conjoined twin.

Sincere felt like a terrible mother. No kid should ever be in a situation like this, no kid should have to try to protect their parents because it is not their job. For the five years that Cecil verbally and physically abused her she thought how she was going to make a clean getaway, she had to be strategic, she had to save her money, she had to be mentally ready. It took five years too long, but she made it and she would make it up to Nico. She would make sure that his childhood memories were not filled with those horrible moments.

Sincere wept silently, I'm going to be okay, she thought. She knew that this wasn't the end of the world for her. She was strong and there was a plan out there that involved happiness and peace. She cried thinking about finding that plan. She did what a lot of people can't which was get out. She prayed that everyone who was in her position could find the grace, courage, strength, whatever it took, to get out of that situation.

She laid there until her mom called to say goodnight and I love you then at eight thirty she told her kids it was time for bed. Getting under her blankets, she almost instantly fell asleep when her head hit her pillow.

There was a lot in store for her and there was a tugging on her heart that told her it was all good.

There was a lot in store for her and there was a tugging on her heart that told her it was all good

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