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Song recommendation: As My Girl & W/as My Girl by Maxwell

The sip and paint was starting and Tonya's husband volunteered to drive his wife and her two friends to Jasmine art studio

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The sip and paint was starting and Tonya's husband volunteered to drive his wife and her two friends to Jasmine art studio.

"Y'all I cannot paint for shit." Sincere blurted randomly inside the car. Tonya, Nidra, and Trent let out loud laughs as she blushed.

"I'm serious." Sincere groaned. "Girl it's okay!" Nidra assured her. "Jasmine doesn't expect everyone to know how to do art when she hosts these, she just wants people to let loose and have fun. Which is why we drink."

"I've attended too many of these and still don't know how to paint on an easel." Tonya said, Nidra laughed "Now girl." They all laughed.

"It'll be fun. It's not even really about the painting. Jasmine just likes getting people together, the painting is just an excuse to have something to do."

They arrived and there were about 20 people who were also here for the event. They walked into the studio grabbing a wine glass and searched for some seats next to each other. Sitting down, Sincere look around. The studio was big, about the size of a coffee shop but larger. It had high ceilings, cement floors, big wooden fans, and a brick photo-op wall. There were beautiful paintings all over the white walls, and tables set up for the event with medium sized easels and canvas. There was a small bar holding different kinds of wine and food to eat.

This place was nice, Sincere looked around in awe. She could feel the excitement buzzing in everyone. Jasmine must really put on good events. There were people all over laughing, swaying to the music, getting drinks, waiting for it to start.

Sincere looked toward the drinks and decided she'd get some, she informed the other women and said she'd bring something back for them.

Stella Rosa, Barefoot, Carlo Rossi Sangria...

"You made it." Jasmine. Sincere turned toward her and gave her a quick up and down.

"I did. I've never been to a sip and paint so." Sincere shrugged.

"Well, I'm happy you're here. I can assure you it'll be a great time." Jasmine curved her lips up for a small smile.

"I can already tell however... You should know that I don't have an artistic bone in my body." Sincere said, looking at Jasmine. "I love art." She continued, "I just never was any good at it so my painting will probably be b-"

"Hey." Jasmine laughed and grabbed Sincere's fingertips squeezing them for a small moment. "It's alright love, it's just for fun. You never have to be the best at something to enjoy it. A lot of people can't paint, doesn't mean I'm going to banish them." Jasmine leaned closer to Sincere's face, "Don't worry and if you need help I'll gladly sit next to you and give you some pointers. Nidra might be able to but definitely not Tonya.. She's quite trash at painting." Jasmine laughed and leaned back. Sincere let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah she told me... Should I save you a seat then?" Sincere questioned. She didn't know if Jasmine was going to lead the group's painting tonight. "If it's next to you, absolutely." Jasmine paused to gauge Sincere's reaction to her slightly flirty comment. Sincere had a small smile on her face and nodded. "Of course Jasmine."

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