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As soon as Sincere could clock out she did

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As soon as Sincere could clock out she did. Today was long and hectic. She didn't feel like she'd gotten enough sleep to deal with the day and all she wanted to do was cuddle her babies. She drove to Nidra and Colby's house, greeted her two friends quickly and got her kids to go home. She was tired, she'd apologize to the couple later.

As soon as they got home, Sincere plopped on the couch. "How was school my babies?" Sincere asked her children while holding out her arms to them. They each zoomed to the couch and snuggled into their momma.

"Sometimes I'm tired of school. I can't believe I have to do this until I'm 18 and more if I want to go to college." Nico sighed. Sincere could sympathize with her young son. Even though she was sure his middle school workload wasn't too much, waking up everyday and hearing people talk at you for 8 hours is draining.

"Oh baby, I completely understand you. It'll all pay off one day. What about you Jade?" She looked over to her baby girl to find her asleep tucked away in her side. Sin and Nico giggled, "I guess Jade is tired of school too Neeks."

"I guess so. How's work Mommy?" Nico nuzzled further into his mother bathing in the warmth she provided him. "It's alright, lots of cute babies, not enough sleep."
"Is school really alright for you Nico? You can tell me if you're having a hard time. I'll help with whatever it is."

"It is alright, I just don't think school is for me." Sin laughed quietly.

"You're only in the sixth grade little boy." She teased.

"Exactly! I shouldn't be feeling like this as a sixth grader, I'm supposed to love school until high school." He pouted so adorably, Sincere couldn't help just to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"You're too little to be making good points like that Nico. You're growing too fast for me." She tickled his side and he let out a little laugh.

"I'm supposed to grow so I can protect you momma." Sincere froze. No.

That was the last thing she needed her son to think. Baby boys are not supposed to grow up thinking their purpose is to be the man their mother's need to save them.

"That's not your job sweetheart. Your job is to be my son and let me protect you like a mother is supposed to."

"But you do protect me, you always have. From him. That's why we're here. Right? Because you are protecting me and Jade." Nico explained. Sincere and Nico rarely talked about Cecil. Rarely if anything at all. When everything went down, Sincere sat Nico down and told him he could ask her whatever he wanted about his father. If he wanted to talk about anything, she would always have that conversation with him. The only thing he asked was if they would see him again and if he would hurt them. Sincere immediately let Nico know that Cecil would never in his life hurt Nico or Jade and that she couldn't say if they'd ever see him again. She wanted to be as honest as she could. She really didn't know if they'd never see Cecil again, but she knew for a fact he would never touch her kids. But his question also included her, would he hurt them again. Sincere couldn't answer for herself. There's a possibility that Cecil was lurking somewhere and would hurt her just like he had threatened, so she couldn't promise him that. She couldn't lie to him.

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