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"Nico! Hurry the freak up! I'm freaking starting kindergarten! MOM! Mom, I'm starting kindergarten, oh my gosh"

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"Nico! Hurry the freak up! I'm freaking starting kindergarten! MOM! Mom, I'm starting kindergarten, oh my gosh"

Sincere watched with a smile as Jade bounced and screamed by the front door. She'd been waiting to go to school since she learned what it was and that she could.

"OH MY! It's just kindergarten Jadey."

"Just kindergarten? Mom!"

"Okay! Nico please just put your shoes on and Jade please, lower your voice. It's way too early to use a voice that powerful." Sincere was really amused by her kids. Nico wasn't too excited, he was nervous about the new environment. Jade, however, was over the moon with joy.

"I'm really excited for you both. I really hope that you have a great first day and more importantly a wonderful year." Sincere was starting to feel a little emotional about today though. My babies, she cooed. She kissed both of their heads and gave them both tight long hugs.

"Let's get this show on the road huh." Together they walked out the house and got in the car.

Sincere had finished her seven days of training and today was Monday meaning she did not have to work, so she could send her kids off to school for their first day.

Arriving at the bus stop, Sincere and the kids spotted Nidra and her kids. The kids immediately gravitated to each other in excitement.

"First day jitters for Jade?" Nidra asked Sincere while giving her a warm hug.

Sincere returned the hug, "Not really. I'm not at all worried, which is strange because everybody is always emotional for their baby's first day. Jade is too excited for me to worry. I'm too busy being amused." Sincere thought it was a good thing she felt she didn't have to worry about Jade. Jade knew when she needed help in any situation and she showed Sincere her first day was not one.

"That's how I feel about Qaseem girl. Maybe I'm relieved cause that boy is a damn handful, finally out of my hair." Nidra let out a big huff and smiled while Sincere giggled. Qaseem was one of the most adorable kids on this planet, but boy did he keep you on your toes.

"Don't do my friend." Sincere said letting out a louder laugh. "Semmy is precious." She looked over at him and saw him hanging onto his big backpack with two hands, tapping his foot impatiently. Nidra hummed and smiled at her youngest lovingly.

"You don't work today do you? If you feel like it we should get some lunch later on. I only have to go to the hospital for a couple hours to get a trainee situated." Nidra said.

"I'm completely free today aside from getting my house a little more together. I'm up for a meal." It warmed Sincere's heart still that Nidra treated her like a good friend so quickly. She thought settling into Ohio would be more difficult than it actually was. It probably would've been had it not been for Nidra.

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