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Song recommendation: Shy Girl by Samaria

It has now been three months since the Dallarosa three moved to Cincinnati

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It has now been three months since the Dallarosa three moved to Cincinnati. Sincere thought of North Carolina and the horrible memories she left there less and less and could see a really bright future in Ohio. Although she did miss her mom terribly. Eliza and her daughter talked almost every other day on facetime which allowed her to see her grandkids as well. When Sincere first moved they both were worried about each other in regards to loneliness, but as Sincere made friends so did Eliza. To take her mind off her only daughter leaving the state, she took up some hobbies and also made some new friends. It lessened the ache in Sincere's heart knowing her mom was okay.

Another thing was that Sincere had not even heard from Cecil. When she packed up her things and sent him divorce papers, which he signed, she had only heard from Cecil twice. One message saying how no one would love more than him. She was damaged, abused, a whore with daddy issues, which was false because her and her daddy had a beautiful relationship. She'd give her heart to bring him back. She ignored it. The next one was a message demanding her to let him see her kids, that she needed to come back from wherever she was so they could work on a custody agreement. Sincere laughed because he must of thought she was stupid as hell if she was going to come back and allow him to be with HER kids unsupervised. Silly. She responded no and deleted and blocked that foul man's number once and for all.

She had no obligation to let Cecil see Jade and Nico. She didn't care what anybody said, she was keeping them away from their father. He was not right in the head and she did not trust that he wouldn't do something fucked up to get back at her. She heard too many stories like that and she was not going to be another episode for the ID channel to make. No fucking way. Life was too good without that good for nothing abuser.

Today was Saturday and the kids wanted to do something fun. Sincere decided to take them out to eat, get ice cream, then take them to an arcade.

Everyone was having a good time. It felt good that not only were her children happy, but that she didn't have to hide anything from them anymore. No more bruises, no more crying. Hiding took a lot of unnecessary time away from her kids that she could've spent doing things they all enjoyed together. Hiding was something she would never allow herself to do from her kids again.

"There's too many gun games here." Jade pouted, "Who wants to play a game about hunting deer and birds?"

"You're absolutely right Jade. I never liked playing them when I was little and I don't even think people play them now." Sincere validated. Why were there so many shooting games in kid arcades? Not even the water gun game at carnivals, but full on shooting games. Weird.

Nico was busy playing a racing game to have any input on their conversation. This was his third time playing. Nico always was interested in race cars so she wasn't surprised he spent most of his time playing.

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